Thursday, December 18, 2014

Three Keys For Mom

"...rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer..." - Romans 12:12

It's not easy being a mom these days. Whether you're home full time or working outside the
home, there are challenges. There's a verse of scripture in Romans that contains three keys for moms and, really, anyone who wants to live a victorious life:

Be joyful in hope .
Every mom has hope for her kids. When a mom trusts in the Lord and believes His promises in scripture, she can be joyful in hope for the future of her family.

Persevere in trials .
There will be difficulties and trials for every mom (kids not doing well, times of feeling unappreciated, etc.). But when her hope is grounded in God, she can find strength to endure any trial.

Be devoted to prayer .
Hey, moms, with so many trials and so much out of your control, be devoted to prayer. Turn your concerns, yourfears, and your children over to the Lord. Prayer
is the power source for being a great mom and a great person. Hope, perseverance, and prayer–three keys to victory for moms and most everyone.
In His Love

Friday, December 12, 2014

The Potter and the Clay

Ephesians 2:10 "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk
in them."
Your birth was planned from before time began(Eph 1).
Your birth and life were appointed
"for good works, which God prepared
beforehand" for you to "walk in them." No doubt, these works will be for the glory of God. Before you were even born, God prepared ahead of time good works for you to do for his glory. Now, find that purpose and fulfill it for His.
God made no mistake. He is so awesome and because someone so awesome created you, YOU are super awesome to.
In His Love

Monday, November 10, 2014

Be sensitive to what.....

When you were in the world it was so easy to write a person off, or just move on. You would actually even say to the person without any doubt, "Stop being so sensitive" You don't even care if you have just hurt your friends feelings. I wouldn't even call that as being rude. That is you being straight forward and making it very clear tyat you don't have time to drag people that will hlld you back along with you.
Today, as born again believers we are so scared to be firm with those sensitive people. And that sensitive people are saved longer than you, the mature one. No disrespect, but this is a fact.
We criticise more than what we should love. There are more gossip about the next person and less straight forwardness.
... And when you are straight about a issue, you are misquoted and the whole world knows about you being rude and not firm. People are offendedq by decisions you make that will benefit your relationship. And because of the offence taken, the relationship is severed and ended right there.
God's word teaches me that " is for my own good to overlook an offence" Proverbs 19:11
We decern the world, the weather, etc, but we cannot discern our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. If you feel you're ignored, take it as an awesome time to get things done. Take it as alone time that should've been redeemed for so long. Stop the complaints, the enemy loves it. Keep yourself busy, don't complain about it, be blameless in these times we're living in.
People change all the time and they think nothing of it, whether it be for the good or for the bad. Remember, God never changes and that is the blessing of it all. In Christ there's no time for lonelines. We have so much to do. We have so much to learn from the Greatest Teacher.
No wonder we cannot learn, we are too busy taking offence when the other person wants to learn something from God in order for them to move forward in life. I want to learn, I want to move forward, I want my kids and others to learn from the example I set and the legacy I will leave behind.
We really don't need sensitive(unless to Holy Spirit), offending, gossiping, resentful, and ignorant people in our lives.
We need people in our lives that understand, GOD has a plan for every person. God knows what's best for us. Don't worry about who didn't reapond to your message, or who just bought something new, or who renevated their house or who did what. Praise God for those things. Who knows, you might just have been saved from falling into a trap.
My friend, I pray that all of us will learn in our quiet time, how to be sensitive to the Spirit of God, so that we can really be blameless in this perverse and wicked world.
Redeem the time, the days are evil.

In His Love

Monday, November 3, 2014

Only you know what to do

As I look back on my life, I realize that everytime I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re»»directed to something so much better.
In that last moments before moving on to better, I have learned that, that was God's plan as well.
For quite some time the spirit of God laid this scripture on my heart. It made me realize that I have no choice but to appreciate every trial, every battle and every person that has and will be in my life.
Loviing Go makes loving others so much easier. We can only learn from every experience. I have learned though, I cannot count on others to respect my feeling even if I respect theirs. Be good to others doesn't guarentee they will be good to me. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person, and you can walk away when you are not respected, when you are hurt, when they think they can add you to their gossip stories, and when they don't say what God says about you.
Love them with the love of Christ.

In His Love
Leslene Allicia Britz

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Making the switch...

You know when you really want to do something you kinda hesitate because you afraid? Well, I was there until I made the switch. Just before the switch God gave me this word, GOD, our God, spoke to us: "You've stayed long enough at this mountain. On your way now. Get moving... I've given you the new land. Now go in and take it. It's the land GOD promised to give your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and their children after them." Deuteronomy 1:6-8
Who wants to be in the same situation, complain the whole time and to top it off, you tell everybody you don't like the situation you're in. If that is how you feel, decide and make the switch. Any place or situation you are in and you don't like it or it doesn't serve/feed you well, it's time to move.

We have to stay bumble and not fight our own battles, but how many times has God given you the go ahead to walk away? How many times have you felt deep down within that the time has come for you to say "this is it..."?
If this is you, I say no more. It is loud and clear, the word is out... Long enough have you camped at this mountain... The rest will be dealt with, by the one and only Master of your life, GOD.
Trust Him!

In His Love

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Thursday, September 18, 2014


A message by Christine Caine


Isn't it interesting that the word appointment comes from within the word disappointment? I've often marveled at that, because I've seen again and again how disappointments take something from us: a dream, a piece of our hearts – maybe whole chunks of it.


But disappointment leaves something too: a gift, an opportunity, the possibility of creating change. This means we can move from the valley of the shadow of death to new horizons and bring others with us on that road.

If people have disappointed you or circumstances have not turned out as you had hoped or prayed, let me encourage you with this … know that God is with you, cares for you and loves you. He is working all these things together for your good right at this very moment.

There are many future God-appointments on the other side of this disappointment!


Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you. (Zechariah 9:12)


In His Love


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Let's Declare

I realize, it is not too late to accomplish everything God has placed in my heart. I have not missed my window of opportunity. God has moment of favor in my future. He is preparing me right now because He is about to release a special grace to help me accomplish that dream. This is my time. This is my moment. I receive it today. This IS my time... This IS my moment. I'm not settling where I am. I've let too many excuses hold me back and that has gone on long enough. BUT today I take steps of faith to pursue new opportunities and to break bad habits and get rid of wrong mind-sets.
I know it's not too late to accomplish everything God has put in my heart. The rest of my life is the best of my life.
This is my declaration!

In His Love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Saying "NO" is good for you, your "Faith" and GOD

Everything is going great. People compliment you for being and awesome, powerful, faithful woman/man of God. More tasks come your way and you just cannot resist.
Does this sound familiar? Yes it does!
I have news for you. It's not always a good thing to just say yes to more tasks. You get so busy, you can loose focus on the actual Source, God.
It can stress you out so much because in actual fact, you not trying to please God, but wanting to please man. "For am I now trying to please God or win the favour of man. If I'm trying to win the favour of man, I cannot be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10
One thing I've discovered is that when I'm too busy with too many things I turn to God for strength. He is faithful to provide it, but there is so much more of God that I'm missing out on. So much more of a relationship that only comes when I am still with Him. When I dig deep in His presence.

I love this quote by Henri Nouwen:

"So we try to do more while our energy fades away and we become like uprooted trees with our roots wildly groping for the sky. Thus we anxiously throw our arms toward heaven, praying for extra grace and special enabling, when instead we should be planted again in nourishing soil. That soil is not meant to make us do less, but to change our priorities so that we take time to be still. And in the stillness, find new strength and hope."
When we say no to busy things, we say yes to the best thing—time with God. And when we have time with God, He is able to direct our priorities.
Be focused and yes, you can say NO. It is good for you, your family and really good for your relationship with God. You cannot just give and give, you have to see what happens to the seed you have sown. It is good soil or has it been snatched away without you knowing.

In His love
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