Monday, November 10, 2014

Be sensitive to what.....

When you were in the world it was so easy to write a person off, or just move on. You would actually even say to the person without any doubt, "Stop being so sensitive" You don't even care if you have just hurt your friends feelings. I wouldn't even call that as being rude. That is you being straight forward and making it very clear tyat you don't have time to drag people that will hlld you back along with you.
Today, as born again believers we are so scared to be firm with those sensitive people. And that sensitive people are saved longer than you, the mature one. No disrespect, but this is a fact.
We criticise more than what we should love. There are more gossip about the next person and less straight forwardness.
... And when you are straight about a issue, you are misquoted and the whole world knows about you being rude and not firm. People are offendedq by decisions you make that will benefit your relationship. And because of the offence taken, the relationship is severed and ended right there.
God's word teaches me that " is for my own good to overlook an offence" Proverbs 19:11
We decern the world, the weather, etc, but we cannot discern our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. If you feel you're ignored, take it as an awesome time to get things done. Take it as alone time that should've been redeemed for so long. Stop the complaints, the enemy loves it. Keep yourself busy, don't complain about it, be blameless in these times we're living in.
People change all the time and they think nothing of it, whether it be for the good or for the bad. Remember, God never changes and that is the blessing of it all. In Christ there's no time for lonelines. We have so much to do. We have so much to learn from the Greatest Teacher.
No wonder we cannot learn, we are too busy taking offence when the other person wants to learn something from God in order for them to move forward in life. I want to learn, I want to move forward, I want my kids and others to learn from the example I set and the legacy I will leave behind.
We really don't need sensitive(unless to Holy Spirit), offending, gossiping, resentful, and ignorant people in our lives.
We need people in our lives that understand, GOD has a plan for every person. God knows what's best for us. Don't worry about who didn't reapond to your message, or who just bought something new, or who renevated their house or who did what. Praise God for those things. Who knows, you might just have been saved from falling into a trap.
My friend, I pray that all of us will learn in our quiet time, how to be sensitive to the Spirit of God, so that we can really be blameless in this perverse and wicked world.
Redeem the time, the days are evil.

In His Love

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