Saturday, February 25, 2012

7 Blessings (Psalm 41:1-3

This morning I was reading Psalm 41 and while I was reading verse 1-3, I immediately received revelation. 
God is so awesome espacially in a moment of need, test and trial. what happens when a class is busy writing a test? There is absolute silence. There will be one or two kids who will have words but do you hear anything from the teacher? NO! The very same thing happens to us. We do not hear a single thing from the Master. 

The test builds us upa nd teaches us to know that we should be still and know that He is God.(Psalm 41:10)

Be Blessed by the revelation received from God this morning. Psalm 41:1-3
1. The Lord wll deliver you
2. The Lord will preserve you
3. The Lord will keep you aive
4. You shall be blessed on the earth
5 The Lord will protect you from your enemies.They wll not triumph over you.
6. The will stregthen you in a time of weakness
7. The Lord will heal you

Fath is what you should have during a time of need. You have the confidence  that the things you hope for and cannot see will be in your posession sooner than you think. (Hebrews 11:1)

Romans 10:17 " Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God"
God bless you abundantly

In His Love