Thursday, March 3, 2011

Be The Change and he will be on his knees

Who doesn't want a praying husband? I guess every woman wants one.
When I came to the Lord, I so much wanted my husband to be this mighty man of God. I wanted it to happen immediately. How many of you ladies reading this wants it more than ever. Well, that was what I wanted. My husband served God but to me he was doing things to slow. I wanted him to start praying the way I did, to start serving God the way I did. What a hypocrite I was. One day God spoke to me, “You/Leslene have to change first. You be the example.” I said, “but God I have changed. I do pray every day, I do serve You the right way.” God’s words to me, “NO YOU ARE NOT DOING IT WITH A PURE HEART, YOU WANT TO BE SEEN BY YOUR HUSBAND AND MAKE HIM FEEL BAD.”  I couldn’t believe that God was saying that to me, but it was true. How many of you want to be seen but yet you do not do it with a pure heart?
I started listening to a song sung by CeCe Winans “He’s not on his knees yet” This song spoke to my heart and I knew exactly what she was singing about. This song became my favorite and it helped me just to lay my concerns before God and I started to understand my husband’s position.
While singing the song I automatically asked God to work in his life and to help me accept that all people will never be the same. I thanked God for his life and I asked for forgiveness that I judged my husband. I thought I was the one who was mature but in actual fact my husband was the mature one. I wanted things to happen on my terms and not God’s. Last night(2nd March 2011) I decided to listen to a few old gospel songs and I came across this beautiful song. I couldn’t even remember when last I listened to it. When I look at my husband now and define the then moment, I can only say WOW!!!! And thank you Lord. My husband has turned into this awesome man of God who is so beautiful in Christ and who has turned into this handsome man who is so strong and who would never ever try to change any person. I thank God for commanding me to be the change in order for my husband to change. Yes, my husband went through some emotional things but God was there with him all the way. The song says that “he thinks that he’s alone”, why did he feel that way? He felt so because I was not on his side, I didn’t allow him to grow in God’s time. God was there carrying him when he felt alone.
I can now say that my husband was always strong, but I made him weak and people saw that. God saw that, but when he was weak, his weakness was made perfect in God’s strength. We pray so long for things to change, but we don’t realize that when we leave it in God’s hands the change come quicker than we ever imagine. God reminded me of the scripture in:
1Peter 3:8-9 “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
That is a promise from God. Think about what you’re doing in your husband, child or friends life that is preventing you from growing spiritually. Forget about the next person’s faults and look to Jesus to remove your faults.

In His Love,
