Tuesday, July 20, 2010


A very warm welcome again to all the new members of C.L.A.Y. I am sure you will be blessed by our daily messages and please do feel free to add a comment, inbox your prayer request or a testimony on the wall. However, if you have a message and you want to share it with all the members let me know and I will sure allow you to send the message.

The question I want you to ask yourself today is, “Am I confessing what the Word says about me?”

There are times that we do meditate on the word, but we cannot seem to confess it over our lives. What are we thinking about that prevents us from confessing the word? God spoke to me and said, “Leslene, you will not move forward if you don’t confess My word over your life. You have to block out all negative and replace it with positive, which is My word.”

We have to tell God about His awesomeness and stay humble at the same time.

Daniel 9: 4 ” I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed: “O Lord, you are a great and awesome God! You always fulfill your promises of unfailing love to those who love you and keep your commands…..”

For those who find it difficult to recall the scriptures, can start with three for the week and meditate on it. The more you say it the quicker you will remember it and the sooner you will live it. (WE HAVE TO LIVE THE WORD NOT JUST QUOTE IT.)

Below are three scriptures you can start with. (only if you struggle with scriptures.)

I am born of God. [1 John 5:1] I am OF God. [1 John 4:6] I am a spirit being – born of God.

I am a spirit, I have a soul, and I live in a body, but I am first a spirit being – BORN OF GOD. [1 Thess 5:23]

I am a new creature in Christ, old things have passed away, behold all things have become new. [2 Cor 5:17]

Don’t be shy to speak to God, in fact it gives Him great pleasure. (The Lord is pleased with his people; He saves the humble. Psalm 149:4)

C.L.AY. – Changing Lives Around You (Young Adults Loving Christ)

Loves you very much

Leslene & Friends