Job 15:1-21:34
What do you most want from your friends? Think especially of your times of need, when you’re emotionally down, defeated, confused, or vulnerable. What would you want your friends to do at times like that?
In the second round of discussion between Job and his friends, Job indirectly lists the ways in which his friends could comfort him. Unfortunately, they don’t take the hint and, instead, go at him even harder. Some friends they are! As you read this passage, learn how not to relate to your friends in need.
Other lessons here include: finding real wisdom; being defensive (Bildad); and having confidence in God (Job).
Job’s friends were supposed to be comforting him in his grief. Instead they condemned him for causing his own suffering (Job 16:1-17:16). Job began his second reply to Eliphaz by calling him and his friends “miserable comforters” (16:2).
Job’s words reveal several ways to become a better comforter to those in pain: (1) don’t talk just for the sake of talking; (2) don’t sermonize by giving pat answers; (3) don’t accuse or criticize; (4) put yourself in the other person’s place; and (5) offer help and encouragement.
The next time someone close to you is suffering, try Job’s suggestions to comfort him or her, knowing that these suggestions were given by a person who needed great comfort. The best comforters are those who know something about personal suffering.
Lots of Love
In This House We Do Second Chances We Do Grace We Do Real We Do Mistakes We Do I’m Sorry We Do Loud Really Well We Do Hugs We Do Family We Do Love We Do Welcome You We Do Miss You When You Not Here We Do Love You: The Britz Family

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Your brother's and your sister's
Allow your brother's and sister's to be where they are.
It is the job of the Holy Spirit to work with their hearts and mind to awaken to God's love within them.
The job of the Holy Spirit is to help you awaken to God's love within you - to see the innocense, love and perfection within your brother's and sister's.
Seeing the good in them is a choice.
Every time you make that choice, you are an inch closer to joining with Him and the choice no longer exists.
Blessing to you
It is the job of the Holy Spirit to work with their hearts and mind to awaken to God's love within them.
The job of the Holy Spirit is to help you awaken to God's love within you - to see the innocense, love and perfection within your brother's and sister's.
Seeing the good in them is a choice.
Every time you make that choice, you are an inch closer to joining with Him and the choice no longer exists.
Blessing to you
The 14 characters of Love(7 negative and 7 positive)
Good day friends of God. God is Love and because He is love, He wants us to be love as well. I would like to share the 7 negative characteristics of love with you. WHAT LOVE IS NOT!!!!in 2Corinthians 13.
1. LOVE DOES NOT ENVY – it is not jealous, it doesn’t see what others have and use wrong motives to get that same thing.
2. LOVE DOES NOT BOAST/BRAG – love isn’t always making pretensions statements about yourself or about anything.
3. LOVE IS NOT PROUD OR ARROGANT – love does not look down on people. Love treats everybody as valuable. Some people are good to those they respect or people that are above them, but arrogant or proud to those below them, but true love is the same viewed from any angle to everybody.
4. LOVE IS NOT RUDE OR ACT UNBECOMINGLY flatter) – if you really want to have good manners just show love. Good manners are really just love expressing itself.
5. LOVE IS NOT SELFSEEKING – it does not seek its own. It does not say this is mine, I’ve got a right to it. I’m gonna have it no matter what happens.
6. LOVE IS NOT EASILY ANGERED (NOT PROVOKED) – The moment we find anger rising up or we loose control by the way we speak to people or relate to people, we need to stop and remind ourselves that is not love operating in me. There is a kind of anger that is legitimate but it’s an anger against unrighteousness. It’s not an anger against persons.
7. LOVE KEEP NO RECORD OF WRONG (my favorite one) OR DOES NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE WRONG OFFERED – how dangerous it is to make a mental list of the things other people have done against you or the things they owe to us.
Psalm 130:3-4 If you, GOD, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? 130:4 As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped.
If I were to sum up the negative features of love that are just listed in one single statement, I would say it’s as this…. LOVE IS NOT INSECURE!!!
Any person who acts contrary to those principles, Paul lists as an insecure person and LOVE IS TOTALLY SECURE.
I hope you are blessed by these words and the seven positive characteristics of love will follow shortly. Please do take your time to read and to think about your love towards the next person.
If you have any time on your hands, I would really like you to share some of your experiences where love is concerned.
C.L.A.Y. – Changing Lives Around You
Young Adults Loving Christ
(Leslene & Marco)
Good day friends of God. God is Love and because He is love, He wants us to be love as well. I would like to share the 7 negative characteristics of love with you. WHAT LOVE IS NOT!!!!in 2Corinthians 13.
1. LOVE DOES NOT ENVY – it is not jealous, it doesn’t see what others have and use wrong motives to get that same thing.
2. LOVE DOES NOT BOAST/BRAG – love isn’t always making pretensions statements about yourself or about anything.
3. LOVE IS NOT PROUD OR ARROGANT – love does not look down on people. Love treats everybody as valuable. Some people are good to those they respect or people that are above them, but arrogant or proud to those below them, but true love is the same viewed from any angle to everybody.
4. LOVE IS NOT RUDE OR ACT UNBECOMINGLY flatter) – if you really want to have good manners just show love. Good manners are really just love expressing itself.
5. LOVE IS NOT SELFSEEKING – it does not seek its own. It does not say this is mine, I’ve got a right to it. I’m gonna have it no matter what happens.
6. LOVE IS NOT EASILY ANGERED (NOT PROVOKED) – The moment we find anger rising up or we loose control by the way we speak to people or relate to people, we need to stop and remind ourselves that is not love operating in me. There is a kind of anger that is legitimate but it’s an anger against unrighteousness. It’s not an anger against persons.
7. LOVE KEEP NO RECORD OF WRONG (my favorite one) OR DOES NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE WRONG OFFERED – how dangerous it is to make a mental list of the things other people have done against you or the things they owe to us.
Psalm 130:3-4 If you, GOD, kept records on wrongdoings, who would stand a chance? 130:4 As it turns out, forgiveness is your habit, and that's why you're worshiped.
If I were to sum up the negative features of love that are just listed in one single statement, I would say it’s as this…. LOVE IS NOT INSECURE!!!
Any person who acts contrary to those principles, Paul lists as an insecure person and LOVE IS TOTALLY SECURE.
I hope you are blessed by these words and the seven positive characteristics of love will follow shortly. Please do take your time to read and to think about your love towards the next person.
If you have any time on your hands, I would really like you to share some of your experiences where love is concerned.
C.L.A.Y. – Changing Lives Around You
Young Adults Loving Christ
(Leslene & Marco)
C.L.A.Y - Changing Lives Around You (YOUNG ADULTS LOVING CHRIST)
A lump of ordinary clay is chosen from the amorphous pile of the clay heaped on the floor. The potter has an end product in mind, a vessel that will be useful to it's final owner and a credit to the potter;s craftsmanship and experience.
he theme of "the potter and the clay" in the Bible gives us one of the most beautiful, impressive, and awe-inspiring pictures of the Sovereignty of God over both men and history, and shows us vividly His constant, loving, artist's hand in all or affairs. The potter labors over the clay forming and shaping it until the final product is realized. The pot then can be fired and decorated, but if it cracks or turns out misshapen, it is no deal to discard it altogether. Can we imagine a mere clay pot complaining to the potter? Does the pot have "rights" of it's own? No, it exits, and finds useful service as an ordinary pot or beautiful vase, solely because the potter intended it for such and end. Yet God allows both individuals and nations to cooperate with Him as He molds and shapes fallen men and woman. While the clay is still pliable and wet, the Great Potter's desire is to make a work of beauty and utility out of that which is otherwise marred, flawed, and unsuited for His use. Isaiah 64:8 But now, O LORD, You [are] our Father; We [are] the clay, and You our potter; And all we [are] the work of Your hand.Young Adults from Grace Ministries (Mitchell's Plain) moulded by Christ the Living Word and Changing Lives Around You.A ministry for young adults who wants to make a different in the lives of people around them and see how the Father take the clay and mould it into a beautiful vase. ISAIAH 64:8 "Yet Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our Potter; we all are the work of Your hands."
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