Tuesday, August 28, 2012

He(Holy Spirit) set me straight…

I don’t know if you guys have it but we definitely do. You know that a big cockroach that walks around outside your house and sometimes comes into your home? My husband calls them “homeless” LOL!!!
My husband has this thing with crawling stuff. Whenever he picks up his face cloth he shakes it a bit. Well, this morning I found out why. He shakes it just in case one of the “homeless” is on his cloth and my goodness, when he took his cloth, shook it a bit and one homeless fell in to the toilet. So what he was expecting all the time just became a reality. Job 3:25 says: “What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me.”
Whatever happens in our life is awesomely confirmed by a scripture in the Bible. So I would say it’s so important to know and live the Word of God and before anything happens in our life we will know exactly what the word says and we can then cancel the negative out according to the word and change it into the positive. Cool hey?
Anyway, back to the “homeless”. When my husband told me about the “homeless” I immediately received revelation. I told him that if he can only take that fear of seeing that crawler and tap in to the supernatural realm, see what’s desired in our household or someone else’s home and speak it into existence. He looked at me and didn’t say a word.
Immediately the Holy Spirit tugged at my heart saying: “you have so much to say to your husband, what about you? You have all the faith in the world when it comes to other people’s needs (which is not a bad thing), but what about your families needs? You pray with and for others and they receive instant breakthrough, don’t you want that for household as well?) I was so shocked and I gave the word back to God, coz that is what He says we should do….and besides; I don’t want to think of myself and forget about others. I said that Job prayed for his friends and the Lord restored his fortunes (Job 42:10). I also said that I want to imitate Paul where he says in Galatians 2:20”I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
God asked me the question: “Yes, self must be crucified but how much faith do you have for your family’s needs? You don’t have to be scared to ask me anything for your family because I look at your heart.” 
The lesson that I have learned from this morning’s experience is, THAT I SHOULD NOT LOOK TO MY HUSBAND AND WHERE HIS FAITH LEVEL IS, BECAUSE I LACK IN THAT AREA AS WELL.
Be encouraged to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. I’ve got my mind made up that my FAITH will increase for the needs of my household and I will not feel guilty about it because God will look at my heart.
In His love