Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Past, Let It Be Buried There

The question was asked: "If you know someone with a past and the person really has changed, would you constantly remind him/her of their past?" 

Even if you do not see changes in the person why not encourage him/her to keep on trying. I have come to realize that in order for me to change i need to see changes in my friends. I continuously have to give a good report on that person. I saw a status update of a lady that read as follows: "Sad when people you know become the people you knew." Personally, i do not agree with that statement. People make mistakes everyday, but it does not mean they have gone back to their old ways. God sees you the way He sees Jesus, so who gives you the right to see something else or the past in that person who made a mistake. 
The above statement is clearly directed towards someone. My plea to us as Christians or even non Christians, "DO NOT SAY ANYTHING INDIRECT TO A FRIEND VIA STATUS UPDATES!!! My suggestion to you, if you call yourself a Christian, go to the person and say it to his/her face and be mature about it and do it in love. It is up to that person to rebel against your words or accept it and be mature about it. 

Matthew 16: 27 "For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works."

I want my reward, and I do believe you want yours? So, if we're gonna keep on throwing the people's past in their face what reward will we receive. 

Scripture clearly says that He forgets the past, but here we hold on to the past. 

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it.......?" Isaiah 43:18-19

This scripture says it all. I believe I have said all that I wanted to say and I trust this piece of writing will speak to your heart and that we would forget the past, concentrate on today and expect our reward when The Father comes. 

In His love