Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My All, No Strings Attached

So many times I tried to please people. So many times I pretended to like the company and all just to be accepted. How blind can a person be? I always thought I would never fit in because I was not as pretty as the other girls. I really had this terrible battle in my mind. I wanted a relationship with friends instead of with God.
Paul says in Galatians 1:10 “For am I now trying to win the favor of people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ.”
What a powerful scripture that touched me so deeply. My mind was telling me, don’t sit at home go to your friends house. There you will hear all the juicy stories. After a awhile I was wondering why the friends had this funny attitude towards me. This is what God said:
“Seldom set your foot in your neighbor’s house, otherwise, he’ll get sick of you and hate you.”
This is what my friends thought of me. I made a nuisance of myself, but they never told me. They started talking behind my back. My friend, you who read this remember if your friends can talk about other people, they can talk about you in your absence.
Be very careful which company you keep.
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals. Become right-minded and stop sinning, because some people are ignorant about God. I say this to your shame.” 1Corinthians 15:33-34
Relationships are extremely important in the life of every woman. And because woman are inclined to be sentimental, we are happy and fulfilled only when we have a successful relationship with someone.
However, all relationships in your life will fall into place only when you are in the right relationship with God. God is a jealous God who requires absolute faithfulness from us.
Work on your relationship with God first; make absolutely certain that nothing else is gradually taking his place in your life. Then you can use God’s guidelines to love the people in your life and care for the.
Are you making your friends god’s of your life like I did? God will not tolerate other gods. He wants to be the most important person in your life and the rest will follow.
He is an eternal God who gives Himself totally to each of His children. He does not have to divide Himself to give everyone a fragment, but He gives Himself totally to everyone as if there is only that one person. This I experienced when I made a choice to give God my all. I can truly say, i have not arrived but i am on my way. LESLENE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!!
Are you willing to do that? Selah!

In His love,

Living Together

"Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He will do it." NAS Psalm 37:5
As of 2005, 4.85 million unmarried couples were living together. In June of 2001, SA Today revealed the disturbing results of a poll about how twenty-somethings in South African's feel about living together. Sixty-two percent said living together before marriage is a good way to avoid divorce. And forty-three percent (almost half) said they would only marry someone if that person agreed to live together first. These are troubling statistics that show a deep-seated fear of commitment and trust in marriage. But it is an understandable result of so many who were scarred by their own parents' divorce or a troubled home.

Couples living together want sex, companionship, and love. They'll get sex and companionship, but they'll never experience real love without commitment. For without commitment, there is no real love. Living together, by definition, is always looking for a way out. No commitment. No trust. No real love.

God's way is love and commitment first, and then companionship and sex. And that sex and companionship will be far better because of your trust in Him and in your spouse.
In His love,