Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What A Man Needs Most From His Wife

It may hurt, but it's true. I know what i'm talking about.

“…as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.” - Ephesians 5:24

So many wives are clueless about what their husbands need the most. They often make the mistake of thinking that his greatest need is like hers—the need for romantic love. But the husband’s greatest need is for respect. This is how God has wired him. So wives, how can you live this out? 

Build him up in a world where he often gets beaten down. Just think how much you like to hear the words,”I love you,” and praise him just that much and more.

With his wife, he needs support not competition. Men as a whole, are not as relational and verbal as women. 

Have a willingness to follow his lead. You’re kidding! In the 21st century you want me to follow his lead? 

Well, if this makes you mad, argue with God, not me. It’s His Book. This is how you really respect your husband. When he senses this, it’s amazing how much he will strive to please you and respect what you have to say. 

In His love,