Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Patience is a very rare virtue in these days. Government and commerce all run on an endless treadmill of deadlines-getting the product out or the service delivered, no matter the cost. God, on the other hand, who made each one of us and everything in the world has no deadlines to meet. He has the time to shape and mold us into the unique form of Love He intends. Just as a newborn baby cannot become a mature adult in 24 hours; so we must be patient with ourselves and our brethren.

Each experience we go through provides learning and wisdom for our spiritual development. Patience is the rudder that guides our ship in stormy seas to safety in the harbor.

I Corinthians 13:4 - Love endures long and is patient and kind...

Prayer: Dear Father help me to be calm and at rest as I wait on Your Divine perfection in me. Amen