Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Victims of Adultery

Hello Everyone

For quite some time people has been approaching be about their marriages and i realized, that i have to right something for the group regarding this. 

"Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." - Ephesians 4:32

Nothing devastates a home like adultery. If you are a victim of that sin you know the deep personal hurt it causes you. And the consequences are so severe that God has said that you may choose to end your marriage if you are the victim. He does give you that right. 

If you are the spouse who has been sinned against, please also know this. There's no doubt that God desires reconciliation in your marriage. Reconciliation is difficult, requiring repentance on the part of the adulterer, as well as a supernatural forgiveness from the one who has been sinned against. Forgiving your spouse may be the most difficult thing you will ever do in your life. And it is impossible to do without the power of Jesus Christ. 

Yes, divorce is your right. But know that the desire of the Lord is for marriages to be reconciled. It will take superhuman effort on your part and it will take years to build that trust again. But in the long run, for your marriage, for your children, and for you, it can be the right decision to make.

In His love,
