Thursday, July 1, 2010

C.L.A.Y - Changing Lives Around You (YOUNG ADULTS LOVING CHRIST)

A lump of ordinary clay is chosen from the amorphous pile of the clay heaped on the floor. The potter has an end product in mind, a vessel that will be useful to it's final owner and a credit to the potter;s craftsmanship and experience.

he theme of "the potter and the clay" in the Bible gives us one of the most beautiful, impressive, and awe-inspiring pictures of the Sovereignty of God over both men and history, and shows us vividly His constant, loving, artist's hand in all or affairs. The potter labors over the clay forming and shaping it until the final product is realized. The pot then can be fired and decorated, but if it cracks or turns out misshapen, it is no deal to discard it altogether. Can we imagine a mere clay pot complaining to the potter? Does the pot have "rights" of it's own? No, it exits, and finds useful service as an ordinary pot or beautiful vase, solely because the potter intended it for such and end. Yet God allows both individuals and nations to cooperate with Him as He molds and shapes fallen men and woman. While the clay is still pliable and wet, the Great Potter's desire is to make a work of beauty and utility out of that which is otherwise marred, flawed, and unsuited for His use. Isaiah 64:8 But now, O LORD, You [are] our Father; We [are] the clay, and You our potter; And all we [are] the work of Your hand.Young Adults from Grace Ministries (Mitchell's Plain) moulded by Christ the Living Word and Changing Lives Around You.A ministry for young adults who wants to make a different in the lives of people around them and see how the Father take the clay and mould it into a beautiful vase. ISAIAH 64:8 "Yet Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You are our Potter; we all are the work of Your hands."

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