Thursday, July 1, 2010

What are friends for?

Job 15:1-21:34

What do you most want from your friends? Think especially of your times of need, when you’re emotionally down, defeated, confused, or vulnerable. What would you want your friends to do at times like that?
In the second round of discussion between Job and his friends, Job indirectly lists the ways in which his friends could comfort him. Unfortunately, they don’t take the hint and, instead, go at him even harder. Some friends they are! As you read this passage, learn how not to relate to your friends in need.
Other lessons here include: finding real wisdom; being defensive (Bildad); and having confidence in God (Job).

Job’s friends were supposed to be comforting him in his grief. Instead they condemned him for causing his own suffering (Job 16:1-17:16). Job began his second reply to Eliphaz by calling him and his friends “miserable comforters” (16:2).
Job’s words reveal several ways to become a better comforter to those in pain: (1) don’t talk just for the sake of talking; (2) don’t sermonize by giving pat answers; (3) don’t accuse or criticize; (4) put yourself in the other person’s place; and (5) offer help and encouragement.
The next time someone close to you is suffering, try Job’s suggestions to comfort him or her, knowing that these suggestions were given by a person who needed great comfort. The best comforters are those who know something about personal suffering.
Lots of Love

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