Monday, November 3, 2014

Only you know what to do

As I look back on my life, I realize that everytime I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re»»directed to something so much better.
In that last moments before moving on to better, I have learned that, that was God's plan as well.
For quite some time the spirit of God laid this scripture on my heart. It made me realize that I have no choice but to appreciate every trial, every battle and every person that has and will be in my life.
Loviing Go makes loving others so much easier. We can only learn from every experience. I have learned though, I cannot count on others to respect my feeling even if I respect theirs. Be good to others doesn't guarentee they will be good to me. You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person, and you can walk away when you are not respected, when you are hurt, when they think they can add you to their gossip stories, and when they don't say what God says about you.
Love them with the love of Christ.

In His Love
Leslene Allicia Britz

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