Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Saying "NO" is good for you, your "Faith" and GOD

Everything is going great. People compliment you for being and awesome, powerful, faithful woman/man of God. More tasks come your way and you just cannot resist.
Does this sound familiar? Yes it does!
I have news for you. It's not always a good thing to just say yes to more tasks. You get so busy, you can loose focus on the actual Source, God.
It can stress you out so much because in actual fact, you not trying to please God, but wanting to please man. "For am I now trying to please God or win the favour of man. If I'm trying to win the favour of man, I cannot be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10
One thing I've discovered is that when I'm too busy with too many things I turn to God for strength. He is faithful to provide it, but there is so much more of God that I'm missing out on. So much more of a relationship that only comes when I am still with Him. When I dig deep in His presence.

I love this quote by Henri Nouwen:

"So we try to do more while our energy fades away and we become like uprooted trees with our roots wildly groping for the sky. Thus we anxiously throw our arms toward heaven, praying for extra grace and special enabling, when instead we should be planted again in nourishing soil. That soil is not meant to make us do less, but to change our priorities so that we take time to be still. And in the stillness, find new strength and hope."
When we say no to busy things, we say yes to the best thing—time with God. And when we have time with God, He is able to direct our priorities.
Be focused and yes, you can say NO. It is good for you, your family and really good for your relationship with God. You cannot just give and give, you have to see what happens to the seed you have sown. It is good soil or has it been snatched away without you knowing.

In His love
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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