Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Two Way Conversation

What does people want more of in life? Or let me ask, “What does a friend long for in life?”
A friend longs to be heard when life comes crashing down.
Good friendships improve all aspects of your life, providing comfort, joy, strengthening your health, providing companionship and prevent isolation. Not all people can keep themselves from isolating themselves. They need someone to help them.
When I think of my life and how friends have come and gone, it makes me sad. I’m asking myself, “have you not done enough to prevent the friendship from ending?”
Then Jesus comes and assures me that I have done enough. That season has ended. I have put in so much but the effort was not appreciated. There were times when I was so lonely; I would then go into isolation. I would create a pit and then throw myself into it. I would see my friend go on girly dates with other people and it would hurt my feelings and I would sink even deeper. I got myself out of that pit when I realised something. I read a quote of Dr Cindy Trimm which stuck to me since that day. “Loneliness is not the absence of people, but the absence of PURPOSE. When you have purpose, the right people will come.”
I have found my purpose. I have learned to equip myself in the lonely times. I can now equip others through their lonely moments. Every person I meet in this lifetime is my assignment. I don’t have to worry about being dumped by a friend, I can move on when the assignment is over. I don’t have to worry about girly dates and how hurt I feel when I’m not invited. The assignment NOW is to focus on the ones who hurt. My girly dates will come when it is God ordained.
Today, I know a friend when I have one. That friend is sometimes so hard to define because of stuff that person has gone through.
I ones was so hurt but not because of a friend and I got a bbm message from a lady. I wanted to share my hurt but God stopped me when she said, “I am only a bb away if you need me” My response was, “Every one is a bb away, and I don’t need that.”
I am a person who picks up the phone and ask how you doing. I am a person who will go to your house unexpectedly to give my support. Whether it is in serving you, encourage you or just pray with you.
Technology may have shifted the definition of friend in recent years, but having hundreds of online friend is not the same as having a friend you can connect and be in person with. You make new friends via the new technology yes, but it CANNOT hug you or cry with you when you need them the most.  Friends sharpens one another’s countenance (Proverbs 27:17).
Our survival ones depended on having friends. Yes they add special memories and hurtful memories which can only make you strong, but when you have Jesus Christ it all changes. He takes that void and fills it with purpose.
Off course friendship is a two way street. It brings joy to your life. When the one is quiet, it is understood. When everyone else leaves, a friend stays behind.
My prayer for you is to be patient. To love at all times. To serve at all times and that you will know, you DO NOT have to be the friend who constantly have to prove yourself. Be the friend you would want a friend to be to you.

In His love


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