Monday, June 10, 2013

Coming Back

This is a post I’ve been dreaming about for a very long and it can finally be written. “Commit your works to God and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:3 was the scripture I was and still is holding on to. There are so many promises in the Bible but we’re not taking hold of it. When we do take hold of it we do it in the flesh.
My sister had this mind set that she was not a backslider, but to me her actions said something different. Don’t get me wrong, I am not this perfect Christian girl who has it all figured out. I have so many flaws but I am very quick to repent. I have a desire to change many lives by not doing good works (Isaiah 64:6), but by doing the right and honest works.
There are many people who can help me with CLAY, but I choose my sisters and my brother. I choose my husband, my sister’s husbands, my brother’s future wife, our kids and the generations to come. We have a story to tell. We have a message for the world. We are a people with a messy past, a bright future and God who delivers us from our affliction.
My eldest sister recommitted her life to Christ. It happened after I asked her to help me in ministry. I know when I posed the question she felt that she was not in line with God’s plan for her life. At the Conference where Todd Bentley was preaching she opened up her heart to Jesus Christ. On our way home she could then freely speak about CLAY and how she would like to help.
She was once again freed from the chains holding her down. The Power of God has broken the chain in Jesus name. There is so much I want to do and is happening already, but I have to continuously place God in the driver seat. My husband and kids are excited for what God is doing. One by one my family’s lives are changed and soon we’ll all be apart of CLAY to go out there, make a difference by being the change and spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.
We are here NOT to look down on you, but to lift you up. We are here NOT to break you down but to help you tear the walls down.
We are here to LOVE you because Jesus loved you first. We are here to share in your weakness where His strength will be made perfect. We are here to tell you that it is time for CHANGE and we are here to show you how.
It is time to COME BACK and taste the goodness of God once again.
In is love


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