Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Strong for you my friend...

There are so many things happening in our lives and to be honest, certain things are not to talk about. Whether it's good or not so good. It's just not important to talk about life's happening to people, but talking to God about it feels great.
I know God's ultimate plan for us is to grow in Him. He wants us to mature to a level that we know, He is involved in everything and that we shouldn't be running to friends with our issues. There will be a time when He does send someone on our path to talk to and believe me it will not just be anybody. It will be someone who has gone through the very same. You cannot discuss your affliction with people who does not understand that battle. That person will not be able to comfort and guide you. The word of God says so in 2Cor 1:4 "...who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God."
I don't knw about you, but I would say that life is very tricky. There are times that I personaaly feel I am alone but  then Holy Spirit comes and reminds me of my purpose. He would then tell me that loneliness is not the absentism of people in your life, it's the abtism of purpose. When you know what you day to purpose and assignment is, the right people will then come into your life, and I can truly say this is something I have experienced.
I would be lying if I tell you today that I have nothing to do in my home or with my husband and kids. Whenever I feel lonely, I create something to do. Yes, there are at times a longing in my heart to be amongst other ladies, but it only lasts for a few minutes.

I believe when you take your problems to people you are actually hardening your heart towards God. You are nor acknowledging that He is the One who can sort it out for you. Have you ever wondered why your future plans does not come into fulfillment or why it take so long? Are you doing what the Bible says you must do? Well, it's clear..."Commit to the Lord whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans." Proverbs 16:3

If you have not been doing that, I would say it's time to start.

My reason for writing this blog is to encourage you to be strong. You be that friend who is grounded so the weak can see where to go with their afflictions, trials and sorrow. When someone comes to you with an affliction, you be the one to encourage and to comfort and take your friend and their trial to God. Don't give you own advice, hear what God says and then you speak. 
Love on your friends especially in their time of need, because God has given us the tongue of the learned that we should speak a word in season to those who are weary, in Jesus name.


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