Thursday, February 14, 2013

Missioned Family Camp 2013 Part 1

When you have prayed for something to be fixed and you will do anything in order for God to work, how can you back down when God speaks loud and clear saying, “IT IS TIME”
You know when God speaks and people question your actions, there’s no way you can explain it to them. You’re not acting in your own strength or upon your own thoughts. You get the assignment and you have to do it and when it feels right, you know it must be God. For me it meant putting everything aside except for my sister and brother. I even had to be less at church even though they did not understand, but I had to be there for my sisters in order for God to work. We say “use me, use me Lord”, but are we always ready? Well, I was ready and it pays off. I was so close to my pastor and his wife and it broke my heart when I had to put them aside to be with my sisters. I have grown so much being in their company but when God spoke, I had to put that friendship aside and attend to my assignment. In doing that I could also see who my friends are, but to day I can truly say, “I know who I am in Christ Jesus”
I was scared to let go of my comfort zone but I also had confidence that when you pray and decree a thing, it shall come to pass.
Excitement is running high at the Britz residence. We are having our first official Missional Family Camp 2013 and many more will follow in Jesus name.
“Therefore, do not cast away your confidence. Pay day is coming. You have need of endurance and after you have done the will of God, you will receive the promise.” Hebrews 10:35-36
 In His love
Leslene Allicia Britz
My vision is clear and my mission is unobstructed to fulfil God’s assignment and changing lives around you

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