Monday, January 23, 2012

I Felt Broken

This morning on my way to work I read a profound article a lady wrote. It really spoke to my heart and it was much needed. I had this sadness within me and it was a feeling I just couldn't explain. The name of the article is, "What if I were broken?" - by Tracey Miles
She was busy cleaning out her kitchen draws and she found a broken can opener. She asked her son to throw it away and he asked her if he could keep it. She was thinking to herself, "why in the world would a little boy want an old, dirty, useless can opener?"  He insisted on keeping it. She then asked him why? and he asked her a questioned that made her think. "Mommy, if I were broken, would you throw me away?"

WOW!!!! What a question from a little boy. That is how I felt before I read this article. God used this article and the little boy's question to speak to my heart. He will never throw me away whenever I feel broken. I remembered feeling like that can opener, all broken, hurt and useless at least in my eyes. I told my friend who was sitting next to me at the time that whenever i feel down, God comes through in such an awesome way no matter how small. 
When I got out of the bus it started to rain again I could actually feel this warm wind all around me and I felt so much love and peace. I knew it was God assuring me that He loves me. I felt God's presence and heard Him speaking to my heart. "I have made known to you the ways of life, but in MY presence there is fullness of joy." Acts 2:28. The damaged pieces of my heart were mended instantly and today I set on a new wonderful journey to discover my worth in God's eyes.
All I have to do continuously is to "know that the Lord is God. It is He who made me, and I am His, I am the sheep of His pasture." Psalm 100:3

There will always be times that we will feel, broken, hurt, lonely and unloved, but be assured that when we seek God, He takes that feelings away. The enemy wants us to feel that way and he wants us to condemn ourselves. 
REMEMBER!!! You are God's handiwork. look at the beauty of nature around you and you will clearly see that everything God makes is very good, including you/me.

In His love

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