Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I am encouraged daily by other people's lives. I find it so awesome when people go through trials knowing that their endurance will be rewarded at the end of the trial. God says in His word that we should count it all joy when we go through trials and tribulation. (James 1:2) 

I am encouraged by a friend and her family who has been through so much, yet they have a smile on their faces, yet they know how to show love, yet they know how to stay humble, yet they do not give up praying for others and yet their faith is so much stronger than ever before. God will never lie to us where His word and His promises are concerned. I fail God on a daily basis but my prayer is that I will not forget to repent and to do better the next day. 
My encouragement to you today is that we will keep on praying for each other and never to rejoice in when other's face trials. If you know of a person/ family who is facing a trial today, speak to God and hear how you can make a difference in that person/ family's life.

"The Lord God has given you/ me a tongue of the learned that we should speak a word in season to those who are weary. He awakens me/ you morning by morning with an ear to listen." Isaiah 50:4

I hope you are encouraged and blessed and ready to do the right thing.

In His love 

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