Friday, May 20, 2011

How to Prevent a Divorce

"'For I hate divorce,' says the Lord." Malachi 2:16
Everybody likes to be thought of as number one. America is a nation that prides itself on being number one in many categories, but we are number one in a category that is not good--we’re number one in divorce. One out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

When Jesus was asked about divorce, He made it clear that it was never what God had in mind. Then, He quickly began to talk about marriage and the commitment that’s involved. Obviously, a marriage that lasts a lifetime is what God desires. So, let me suggest 12 words for you and your spouse to live by: words that help with divorce prevention:

• “I love you.”
• “I admire you.”
• “I was wrong.”
• “Please forgive me.”

Expressing love and admiration, admitting when we are wrong and asking forgiveness are the ingredients for divorce prevention. Wouldn’t it be great if, one day, America became number one in marriages that last?
In His love, 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Receiving your breakthrough

Acts 16:26: Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed.

It's breakthrough time! I thank God for the 'captives' are being set free and 'bondages' are being broken in many lives. There's an anointing here to break every bondage and chain that may have hindered you in the past. Receive it now. It's time to be set free, and whatever the devil meant harm for you in the past, God is turning it around for good to you now!

What is a breakthrough? It's an act of breaking through the enemies' defenses. It's a major 'milestone' in your journey towards your God-given destiny. It's also when one is being set free from captivity or bondage. I see the chains of debts being broken in you. I see a breakthrough in your career or business. I see a breakthrough in family relationships. I see new doors being opened in your ministry. Some of you have been hindered by ill-health in the past, and you are now entering a new season of breakthrough in your health. It's time to receive, just as whenPaul and Silas received their breakthrough when they were imprisoned (Acts 16:26).

Friends, if God has spoken to you about a goal or a destiny, and somewhere along the way, you have been 'derailed' by the devil, or the destiny seems like it's going to be 'aborted', then be encouraged, for I heard these words for you, that the 'good works' that God has begun in your life, He shall bring it to full completion (Philippians 1:6), and it shall not be aborted.

Paul and Silas were on their way to a destination too. It was a prayer meeting in Lydia's house (Acts 16:15-16). However, their journey was 'derailed' when they were beaten and thrown into prison. It all started when Paul had to cast out an annoying evil spirit from a slave girl who did fortune-telling for her masters (Acts 16:17-18). The masters got angry for the loss of their income, and reported them falsely to the authorities. So, instead of reaching their destination, they were thrown into prison for allegedly causing trouble in the city. In the prison however, Paul and Silas stood firm in the Lord, even in the midnight hour (Acts 16:25). They did not blame. They did not find faults. They did not complain. Instead, they continued to pray, and they continued to praise and worship. Suddenly, the breakthrough came in the form of an earthquake. This earthquake totally shook the prison to the very core, and the prison doors were opened, the shackles were broken, and the chains were loosed. They were indeed set free. Beloved, there's such anointing being released on you right now. What you can do now is to receive it.

And you know what? Things got even better for Paul and Silas after that. They had the prison-keeper and his family saved and baptized (Acts 16:27-33). Eventually, they reached their destination, the prayer meeting (Acts 16:40), plus some great testimonies to share too!
In His love,

Sunday, May 8, 2011


"But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:15
Here is a horrific statistic: 70% of second marriages fail. Why is this? Often it is because the new marriage began while unresolved issues still lingered from the divorce. It's important to take the time to resolve these issues and not carry this baggage into a new relationship.

How can you resolve these issues? First, seek forgiveness from the Lord, as well as from your ex - even if you were the one who was sinned against. Realize that we all fall short in every relationship and we need forgiveness for the many mistakes that we did commit. Seek forgiveness from your children, as well; recognizing the often devastating effect this has had on their lives and their future. And then the toughest and most important step - give forgiveness to your ex, cleansing your heart of the resentments, pain, and ill feelings that may still remain.

Before entering into a new marriage, be sure that you have healed from the loss of your previous marriage. If this has not occurred, then you are certainly not ready for remarriage. If you are feeling doubts, God may be telling you to slow down or even leading you to break off the new relationship. But most of all, seek God's will and be willing to follow His leading.
In His love,