Sunday, May 8, 2011


"But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:15
Here is a horrific statistic: 70% of second marriages fail. Why is this? Often it is because the new marriage began while unresolved issues still lingered from the divorce. It's important to take the time to resolve these issues and not carry this baggage into a new relationship.

How can you resolve these issues? First, seek forgiveness from the Lord, as well as from your ex - even if you were the one who was sinned against. Realize that we all fall short in every relationship and we need forgiveness for the many mistakes that we did commit. Seek forgiveness from your children, as well; recognizing the often devastating effect this has had on their lives and their future. And then the toughest and most important step - give forgiveness to your ex, cleansing your heart of the resentments, pain, and ill feelings that may still remain.

Before entering into a new marriage, be sure that you have healed from the loss of your previous marriage. If this has not occurred, then you are certainly not ready for remarriage. If you are feeling doubts, God may be telling you to slow down or even leading you to break off the new relationship. But most of all, seek God's will and be willing to follow His leading.
In His love,

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