Friday, May 20, 2011

How to Prevent a Divorce

"'For I hate divorce,' says the Lord." Malachi 2:16
Everybody likes to be thought of as number one. America is a nation that prides itself on being number one in many categories, but we are number one in a category that is not good--we’re number one in divorce. One out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

When Jesus was asked about divorce, He made it clear that it was never what God had in mind. Then, He quickly began to talk about marriage and the commitment that’s involved. Obviously, a marriage that lasts a lifetime is what God desires. So, let me suggest 12 words for you and your spouse to live by: words that help with divorce prevention:

• “I love you.”
• “I admire you.”
• “I was wrong.”
• “Please forgive me.”

Expressing love and admiration, admitting when we are wrong and asking forgiveness are the ingredients for divorce prevention. Wouldn’t it be great if, one day, America became number one in marriages that last?
In His love, 

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