Thursday, March 31, 2011

Involved vs Commitment

"...but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God's will." - 2 Corinthians 8:5b
A pig and a chicken took an afternoon stroll that led them near their neighborhood Waffle House. They looked up at a sign in the window that advertised the daily special--Ham and Eggs for only R3.00
"Look at that!" said the chicken. "I am involved!"

"It's true that you are involved," replied the pig, "but for me, it's total commitment." 
There weer times in my life that i would start something and be so positive about it, but a few minutes later i would just let go of the idea. There were even times that i would promise to be there for people but in the end i would be too busy to even pick up the phone to say hello, how are you.
It came back to me double when i needed a friend to be there for me. 

Today things are different. I will not commit unless i feel in my spirit this is what i have to do. I AM NO LONGER INVOLVED BUT COMMITTED TO THE END.
How about you? When it comes to your responsibilities, are you just involved or are you committed to give it your all for the good of your TEAM,YOUR FRIENDSHIP, YOUR MARRIAGE, and all concerned? Even more important, are you totally committed to do your best for the glory of God?
The question isn't whether or not people are going to be committed, but rather who is going to get your commitment.

In His love,


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