"...but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us in keeping with God's will." - 2 Corinthians 8:5b
A pig and a chicken took an afternoon stroll that led them near their neighborhood Waffle House. They looked up at a sign in the window that advertised the daily special--Ham and Eggs for only R3.00
"Look at that!" said the chicken. "I am involved!"
"It's true that you are involved," replied the pig, "but for me, it's total commitment."
There weer times in my life that i would start something and be so positive about it, but a few minutes later i would just let go of the idea. There were even times that i would promise to be there for people but in the end i would be too busy to even pick up the phone to say hello, how are you.
It came back to me double when i needed a friend to be there for me.
Today things are different. I will not commit unless i feel in my spirit this is what i have to do. I AM NO LONGER INVOLVED BUT COMMITTED TO THE END.
How about you? When it comes to your responsibilities, are you just involved or are you committed to give it your all for the good of your TEAM,YOUR FRIENDSHIP, YOUR MARRIAGE, and all concerned? Even more important, are you totally committed to do your best for the glory of God?
The question isn't whether or not people are going to be committed, but rather who is going to get your commitment.
In His love,
In This House We Do Second Chances We Do Grace We Do Real We Do Mistakes We Do I’m Sorry We Do Loud Really Well We Do Hugs We Do Family We Do Love We Do Welcome You We Do Miss You When You Not Here We Do Love You: The Britz Family

Thursday, March 31, 2011
What A Wife Needs Most From Her Husband
Yesterday's message was about the husband and what he needs most from his wife.
Ladies, i trust the message helped in some way. Today is about the wife and her needs.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church…” - Ephesians 5:25
Dr. James Dobson was asked, “Why are men so insensitive to women’s needs today?”
He answered, “I question whether men have really changed all that much. I doubt if men ever responded as women preferred. Did the farmer of a century ago come in from the fields to say, ‘Tell me how it went with the kids today?' No. He was as oblivious to his wife’s nature then as husbands are today.”
So, men, if you’re struggling to meet your wife’s needs, the Bible gives a few tips as to what they need:
Not just sex, but a tender touch-a few hugs all through the day.
A wife desires a sense of security, physically, financially and emotionally.
This means listening more than telling her what to do.
She needs reassurance in a society of constant comparison.
Not dictatorships, but servant leadership, like Christ for His church.
These are what a wife needs most from her husband.
I know those men who has a job arises very early and they sometimes feel that everything has to be given to them on a platter. Well husbands, this is what the word says:
Proverbs 31:15 "She also arises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household,..."
So remember, whether she's a housewife or work as an employee, remember Proverbs 31:15
In His love,
Ladies, i trust the message helped in some way. Today is about the wife and her needs.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church…” - Ephesians 5:25
Dr. James Dobson was asked, “Why are men so insensitive to women’s needs today?”
He answered, “I question whether men have really changed all that much. I doubt if men ever responded as women preferred. Did the farmer of a century ago come in from the fields to say, ‘Tell me how it went with the kids today?' No. He was as oblivious to his wife’s nature then as husbands are today.”
So, men, if you’re struggling to meet your wife’s needs, the Bible gives a few tips as to what they need:
Not just sex, but a tender touch-a few hugs all through the day.
A wife desires a sense of security, physically, financially and emotionally.
This means listening more than telling her what to do.
She needs reassurance in a society of constant comparison.
Not dictatorships, but servant leadership, like Christ for His church.
These are what a wife needs most from her husband.
I know those men who has a job arises very early and they sometimes feel that everything has to be given to them on a platter. Well husbands, this is what the word says:
Proverbs 31:15 "She also arises while it is yet night, and provides food for her household,..."
So remember, whether she's a housewife or work as an employee, remember Proverbs 31:15
In His love,
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
What A Man Needs Most From His Wife
It may hurt, but it's true. I know what i'm talking about.
“…as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.” - Ephesians 5:24
So many wives are clueless about what their husbands need the most. They often make the mistake of thinking that his greatest need is like hers—the need for romantic love. But the husband’s greatest need is for respect. This is how God has wired him. So wives, how can you live this out?
Build him up in a world where he often gets beaten down. Just think how much you like to hear the words,”I love you,” and praise him just that much and more.
With his wife, he needs support not competition. Men as a whole, are not as relational and verbal as women.
Have a willingness to follow his lead. You’re kidding! In the 21st century you want me to follow his lead?
Well, if this makes you mad, argue with God, not me. It’s His Book. This is how you really respect your husband. When he senses this, it’s amazing how much he will strive to please you and respect what you have to say.
In His love,
“…as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything.” - Ephesians 5:24
So many wives are clueless about what their husbands need the most. They often make the mistake of thinking that his greatest need is like hers—the need for romantic love. But the husband’s greatest need is for respect. This is how God has wired him. So wives, how can you live this out?
Build him up in a world where he often gets beaten down. Just think how much you like to hear the words,”I love you,” and praise him just that much and more.
With his wife, he needs support not competition. Men as a whole, are not as relational and verbal as women.
Have a willingness to follow his lead. You’re kidding! In the 21st century you want me to follow his lead?
Well, if this makes you mad, argue with God, not me. It’s His Book. This is how you really respect your husband. When he senses this, it’s amazing how much he will strive to please you and respect what you have to say.
In His love,
Friday, March 4, 2011
He's not on his knees yet - CeCe Winans
He doesn't know his worth
Wears the saddest smile on earth
But he denies it
Love is reaching out to him
But he won't let it in
He defies it
He defies it
He's not ready
He's not on his knees yet
He's too strong to be weak
Show him mercy
He's not on his knees yet
Let him break please
Make him better
Put the pieces back together
He thinks that he's alone
I have walked the road the he's on
And I know he's searching
Looking everywhere but up
He can't fill his empty cup
So he keeps hurting
He keeps hurting
He's not ready
He's not on his knees yet
He's too strong to be weak
Show him mercy
He's not on his knees yet
Let him break please
Make him better
Put the pieces back together
Help him please
He's not on his knees...
Wears the saddest smile on earth
But he denies it
Love is reaching out to him
But he won't let it in
He defies it
He defies it
He's not ready
He's not on his knees yet
He's too strong to be weak
Show him mercy
He's not on his knees yet
Let him break please
Make him better
Put the pieces back together
He thinks that he's alone
I have walked the road the he's on
And I know he's searching
Looking everywhere but up
He can't fill his empty cup
So he keeps hurting
He keeps hurting
He's not ready
He's not on his knees yet
He's too strong to be weak
Show him mercy
He's not on his knees yet
Let him break please
Make him better
Put the pieces back together
Help him please
He's not on his knees...
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Be The Change and he will be on his knees
Who doesn't want a praying husband? I guess every woman wants one.
When I came to the Lord, I so much wanted my husband to be this mighty man of God. I wanted it to happen immediately. How many of you ladies reading this wants it more than ever. Well, that was what I wanted. My husband served God but to me he was doing things to slow. I wanted him to start praying the way I did, to start serving God the way I did. What a hypocrite I was. One day God spoke to me, “You/Leslene have to change first. You be the example.” I said, “but God I have changed. I do pray every day, I do serve You the right way.” God’s words to me, “NO YOU ARE NOT DOING IT WITH A PURE HEART, YOU WANT TO BE SEEN BY YOUR HUSBAND AND MAKE HIM FEEL BAD.” I couldn’t believe that God was saying that to me, but it was true. How many of you want to be seen but yet you do not do it with a pure heart?
I started listening to a song sung by CeCe Winans “He’s not on his knees yet” This song spoke to my heart and I knew exactly what she was singing about. This song became my favorite and it helped me just to lay my concerns before God and I started to understand my husband’s position.
While singing the song I automatically asked God to work in his life and to help me accept that all people will never be the same. I thanked God for his life and I asked for forgiveness that I judged my husband. I thought I was the one who was mature but in actual fact my husband was the mature one. I wanted things to happen on my terms and not God’s. Last night(2nd March 2011) I decided to listen to a few old gospel songs and I came across this beautiful song. I couldn’t even remember when last I listened to it. When I look at my husband now and define the then moment, I can only say WOW!!!! And thank you Lord. My husband has turned into this awesome man of God who is so beautiful in Christ and who has turned into this handsome man who is so strong and who would never ever try to change any person. I thank God for commanding me to be the change in order for my husband to change. Yes, my husband went through some emotional things but God was there with him all the way. The song says that “he thinks that he’s alone”, why did he feel that way? He felt so because I was not on his side, I didn’t allow him to grow in God’s time. God was there carrying him when he felt alone.
I can now say that my husband was always strong, but I made him weak and people saw that. God saw that, but when he was weak, his weakness was made perfect in God’s strength. We pray so long for things to change, but we don’t realize that when we leave it in God’s hands the change come quicker than we ever imagine. God reminded me of the scripture in:
1Peter 3:8-9 “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 9 The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
That is a promise from God. Think about what you’re doing in your husband, child or friends life that is preventing you from growing spiritually. Forget about the next person’s faults and look to Jesus to remove your faults.
In His Love,
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My All, No Strings Attached
So many times I tried to please people. So many times I pretended to like the company and all just to be accepted. How blind can a person be? I always thought I would never fit in because I was not as pretty as the other girls. I really had this terrible battle in my mind. I wanted a relationship with friends instead of with God.
Paul says in Galatians 1:10 “For am I now trying to win the favor of people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ.”
What a powerful scripture that touched me so deeply. My mind was telling me, don’t sit at home go to your friends house. There you will hear all the juicy stories. After a awhile I was wondering why the friends had this funny attitude towards me. This is what God said:
“Seldom set your foot in your neighbor’s house, otherwise, he’ll get sick of you and hate you.”
This is what my friends thought of me. I made a nuisance of myself, but they never told me. They started talking behind my back. My friend, you who read this remember if your friends can talk about other people, they can talk about you in your absence.
Be very careful which company you keep.
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals. Become right-minded and stop sinning, because some people are ignorant about God. I say this to your shame.” 1Corinthians 15:33-34
Relationships are extremely important in the life of every woman. And because woman are inclined to be sentimental, we are happy and fulfilled only when we have a successful relationship with someone.
However, all relationships in your life will fall into place only when you are in the right relationship with God. God is a jealous God who requires absolute faithfulness from us.
Work on your relationship with God first; make absolutely certain that nothing else is gradually taking his place in your life. Then you can use God’s guidelines to love the people in your life and care for the.
Are you making your friends god’s of your life like I did? God will not tolerate other gods. He wants to be the most important person in your life and the rest will follow.
He is an eternal God who gives Himself totally to each of His children. He does not have to divide Himself to give everyone a fragment, but He gives Himself totally to everyone as if there is only that one person. This I experienced when I made a choice to give God my all. I can truly say, i have not arrived but i am on my way. LESLENE IS A WORK IN PROGRESS!!
Are you willing to do that? Selah!
In His love,
Living Together
"Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He will do it." NAS - Psalm 37:5
As of 2005, 4.85 million unmarried couples were living together. In June of 2001, SA Today revealed the disturbing results of a poll about how twenty-somethings in South African's feel about living together. Sixty-two percent said living together before marriage is a good way to avoid divorce. And forty-three percent (almost half) said they would only marry someone if that person agreed to live together first. These are troubling statistics that show a deep-seated fear of commitment and trust in marriage. But it is an understandable result of so many who were scarred by their own parents' divorce or a troubled home.
Couples living together want sex, companionship, and love. They'll get sex and companionship, but they'll never experience real love without commitment. For without commitment, there is no real love. Living together, by definition, is always looking for a way out. No commitment. No trust. No real love.
God's way is love and commitment first, and then companionship and sex. And that sex and companionship will be far better because of your trust in Him and in your spouse.
Couples living together want sex, companionship, and love. They'll get sex and companionship, but they'll never experience real love without commitment. For without commitment, there is no real love. Living together, by definition, is always looking for a way out. No commitment. No trust. No real love.
God's way is love and commitment first, and then companionship and sex. And that sex and companionship will be far better because of your trust in Him and in your spouse.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Mary - What Great Faith!
The Bible could never be accused of whitewashing the heroes of the faith. Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, and Peter all had some pretty serious flaws and failures. When we come across a biblical personality who had no recorded obvious flaws and sins, we take note. Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of those who was always found faithful. And what faith she had! She was a Jewish teenage virgin visited by an angel, and told she would give birth to God's son.
I love Mary's realness. She initially responded like any teenage virgin would today. Disbelief, shock , bewilderment -- probably wondering what her fiance and her family would think. She asked, "How can this be since I am a virgin?" But after the initial shock, she chose to believe God's Word. She's the first to believe in Jesus as her Savior and Lord -- while she carried Him in her womb.
She's the true first lady of the faith. Do you believe as Mary did? What God's word says about Jesus is true
I love Mary's realness. She initially responded like any teenage virgin would today. Disbelief, shock , bewilderment -- probably wondering what her fiance and her family would think. She asked, "How can this be since I am a virgin?" But after the initial shock, she chose to believe God's Word. She's the first to believe in Jesus as her Savior and Lord -- while she carried Him in her womb.
She's the true first lady of the faith. Do you believe as Mary did? What God's word says about Jesus is true
In His Love,
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