Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Past, Let It Be Buried There

The question was asked: "If you know someone with a past and the person really has changed, would you constantly remind him/her of their past?" 

Even if you do not see changes in the person why not encourage him/her to keep on trying. I have come to realize that in order for me to change i need to see changes in my friends. I continuously have to give a good report on that person. I saw a status update of a lady that read as follows: "Sad when people you know become the people you knew." Personally, i do not agree with that statement. People make mistakes everyday, but it does not mean they have gone back to their old ways. God sees you the way He sees Jesus, so who gives you the right to see something else or the past in that person who made a mistake. 
The above statement is clearly directed towards someone. My plea to us as Christians or even non Christians, "DO NOT SAY ANYTHING INDIRECT TO A FRIEND VIA STATUS UPDATES!!! My suggestion to you, if you call yourself a Christian, go to the person and say it to his/her face and be mature about it and do it in love. It is up to that person to rebel against your words or accept it and be mature about it. 

Matthew 16: 27 "For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works."

I want my reward, and I do believe you want yours? So, if we're gonna keep on throwing the people's past in their face what reward will we receive. 

Scripture clearly says that He forgets the past, but here we hold on to the past. 

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it.......?" Isaiah 43:18-19

This scripture says it all. I believe I have said all that I wanted to say and I trust this piece of writing will speak to your heart and that we would forget the past, concentrate on today and expect our reward when The Father comes. 

In His love

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Make A Decision!

"Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1
It's getting toward the end of another year - believe it or not - and I feel it's important for everyone to spend some time thinking about what you believe. It is so trendy to practice smorgasbord religion - a little dose of Jesus, a little pinch of Buddha, a little Mohammed here and a little New Age thought there. It makes you sound so, well...spiritual.

But, did you know it is fundamentally dishonest? It is an insult to each religion, for it is like spiritual looting. It is a classic refashioning of God into your own chic image of what works for you, and it is a reminder of the many intellectual airheads today. Make a decision, for crying out loud! But don't be a phony for every faith. They don't say the same thing. They don't believe the same things.

Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. No one comes to the Father but through me." Either He lied or was terribly insane - or He is who He said He is. This is in direct conflict with every other religion. With Him, it's all or nothing. I believe He speaks the truth about God.

Make a decision about Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, or whomever. But don't insult them all with this airhead pseudo-sophisticated practice of smorgasbord religion.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sex in Marriage

“Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” Hebrews 13:4
How’s your sex life?

Have you bought into the idea that the best, the most enjoyable, most intense sex is always found outside of marriage? We are constantly bombarded with this message by the media: TV, movies, internet, books and songs.

This message is a lie. It is the exact opposite of what God had in mind when He invented sex. Any sex that is outside the context of committed love in marriage is always less than the best. It brings emotional harm, broken relationships, turmoil, and guilt. Now that might sell movies and books, but in the end, it will destroy a person’s life. God intended sexual intimacy to be His great gift for marriage and marriage alone. He knows how it is best enjoyed.

So seek to trust the inventor of sex in order to experience the sacred enjoyment that God has in mind for you. Quit settling for second best. Seek God’s best for the best sex. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Freedom to Let It Go

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you." Colossians 3:13
Question: Is there someone you’ve been unwilling to forgive? Who is it that comes to mind? Now, I assure you in some situations, you’re not going to be able to forgive people in your own strength. The hurt is too deep. We need to ask God to help us do what we cannot do. Ask for His supernatural power to begin to forgive that person.

You see, unwillingness to forgive is unwillingness to give control to God. Leave "getting even" up to Him. In fact, the Bible tells us, "'Vengeance is mine. I will repay,' saith the Lord." (Romans 12:19) How do you know when forgiveness is complete? For me, it’s when I’m able to see that person without having a knot in the pit of my stomach. There’s no sense of bitterness or resentment – just acceptance. Does that mean you merely trust them? Oh no - it's even greater than that. You choose to love them. It’s a great miracle that God brings about when we ask His help in forgiving others.

If you’re really struggling in this area, remember, Jesus is our ultimate example. Nobody was more innocent than Jesus. He had no sin. We murdered Him with our sins on the cross. And while we were murdering Him, He said, “Father, forgive them.” If Jesus can forgive us for that, then through His power, we can forgive others who have wronged us, no matter how awful the deed. Ask God to help you do this today. You won't believe the freedom you will find once you let go. 

In His love

Should I Wear These Earrings?

"Your adornment must not be merely external--braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses; but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. But let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God." 1 Peter 3:3,4
It’s absolutely undeniable that women can be obsessed about beauty. Wanting to look beautiful is very important. So what does God’s Word say about this? Now, when you read verse 3, at first you might think, ‘Well, God’s Word is saying that a woman should not do anything in regard to beauty enhancement.’ And you begin to think, “Is it wrong to want to enhance the beauty that God has given me? Is it wrong to be concerned about external or outward beauty?”

How do we understand this? The key word in the first verse is the word ‘merely.’ Look at what it says. The concern of God’s Word is being excessively focused on outer beauty to the neglect of your relationship with God that brings about an inner beauty. When God put Adam in the Garden of Eden, he didn’t tell Adam, ‘Let it run wild. Don’t worry about doing anything.’ No, He said, “Tend the garden.” The Garden was already beautiful, but man’s responsibility was to enhance that beauty.

Well, God’s most beautiful creation is woman. There is no creation of God more beautiful. So, enhancing that beauty can be a good thing, but when it becomes an excessive focus to the neglect of a relationship with God, then it becomes a very negative thing.

So, what God is calling on a woman to do in thinking about all this pressure on outward beauty? Look back up at today’s scripture.God’s Word is speaking about a type of beauty that is eternal. Let’s face it, people. No outward beauty lasts forever, but inner beauty does. So, focus most on beauty that lasts forever.

Here’s the key: There’s nothing wrong with trying to look beautiful. I’m sure the man in your life appreciates it. But it doesn’t come before seeking the inner beauty that is found only in a day-by-day relationship with God. He can take what common man might not see as beautiful and create beauty beyond compare that grows more beautiful over time. Now, that’s true beauty. 
In His love

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our New Toy (Blackberry)

Those who have a blackberry, feels they have the coolest toy ever. Free internet to download movies, music, pictures and so much more. 
I have one and i personally think it is so cool, but can be distracted with what the new gadget has to offer. I cannot help to stop and think, "Am I conformed to what the Blackberry has to offer and allow my mind to be transformed by it, or am I being productive in the Kingdom?" Those with Blackberry's had the most disturbing time when the BIS service was offline. Some couldn't breath, some people's eyes were on the non-flickering red light hoping to see it flicker, and the most important thing of all was the buzzing sound that was not heard for a few days. 
Is that where our focus was or was our focus on what God required? I told a friend of mine today that it is so amazing how so many people are addicted to this gadget. I was so disgusted with myself when I realized this morning that this gadget is bad news if you do not use it for the Kingdom. It does not matter what new toy we have, our focus should always be on Christ.
 I felt so guilty when I thought about my Blackberry and the hold it has on me, God reminded me that I am not to condemn myself for being distracted. The enemy was actually rejoicing when I felt condemned. 
I realized that I am complete in Him who is the head of all principalities and I am His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works which Christ has before ordained. 
I also realize I had a moment of weakness, but it is over now. I am moving forward, putting my Blackberry down and meditating once again on the Word. 

I was hoping to see the red flicker, to hear the buzzing sound and to download music, movies, etc., but God spoke to me through His word and I am so thankful. I was led by my Blackberry and so are many others, instead of being led by the Spirit of God. 
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again....but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba Father." Romans 8:14-15
and not cry "buzzer where are you, red light where are you?"
Today, I want to encourage you not to be conformed to the things of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:2)

The Blackberry can be very useful in the Kingdom when we consult God on how to use it. Use it and don't let  your Blackberry use you.

In His love,

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Just the beginning. Do you receive the Prophesy? On TBN Kurt Carr Just The Beginning.wmv

Just the beginning,
There's so much more, God has in store
Just the beginning,
It's not the end, this is just the overture
Just the beginning

I know you're blessed, but you still haven't seen God's best not yet
I already know, God's been good to you,
I already know, God's been faithful to you,
I already know, He's done some incredible things,
But I declare, and I decree, I prophesy with authority
You haven't seen your best days yet,
You haven't seen your best days yet,
You haven't seen your greatest victory yet,
You haven't seen your greatest victory yet,
This is just, This is just, This is
Just the beginning.

yes, yes (spoken:do you receive the prophecy)
do you receive the prophecy?
yes, yes

Just the beginning,
In your heart you know what God has promised you
Just the beginning,
Never compromise or settle for less than you do
Just the beginning,
I know you're blessed, but you still haven't seen God's best not yet
I already know, The scripture says

Eyes haven't seen the things God sees in you
Ears haven't heard the plans He's planning('n) just for you
Neither has it entered into the hearts of man
All of the good things that my God has in store for

There's so much more.

I already know, God's been good to you,
I already know, God's been faithful to you,
I already know, He's done some incredible things,
But I declare, and I decree, I prophesy with authority
You haven't seen your best days yet,
You haven't seen your best days yet,
You haven't seen your greatest victory yet,
You haven't seen your greatest victory yet,
This is just, This is just, This is
Just the beginning.

yes, yes, just the beginning (vamp)

this is just the beginning.
do you receive the prophecy?

Wow!!!! Look and read the words on top. I have come to a point where i am so happy and so filled with joy when other people are being blessed by God. I never wanted to believe it, but it is truly a reality.

When you are truly happy with those around you, you will surely reap as well. Ask me, i know what i'm talking about. God is not man that He should lie, but we have to be true to what the Word of God says.

I am so excited for the people being blessed around me, i just cannot contain myself. Whooooohoooooo!!!!
A friend of mine has been blessed by God in so many ways and i know exactly why, she was so filled with joy when she hears others have been blessed. It's like she was the one being blessed and in actual fact she is blessed with joy. Joy that rubs off and that joy has been rubbing off on me. She shared the above song with me and i started believing that something good will happen to me right now, i mean like in now. MY GOD, WHAT I IMAGINED AND UTTERED CAME INTO EXISTENCE.

I want to challenge you today, bless the people who hurt you. Bless the people even more that is receiving from God, often. Bless your family. Bless your friends.
See the Supernatural manifesting in the natural. No that God wants you to have the best, but there is a Spiritual Law attached to it. You will not receive the blessings of the Lord if you don't know how to bless another person. You will not receive the blessings of the Lord if you cannot share in another person's joy.
We cannot envy what another person has, we should be happy for them, no strings attached. To envy is to curse that person and most of all, YOURSELF. Then we wonder why good things never happen to us?


(a) Disobedience: [Gen. 3:16-19; Gen. 4:11-12; 1 Sam. 15:22].
(b) Robbing God and not fulfilling His wishes: [Mal. 3:8-9; Deut. 28:15].
(c) Inherited or ancestral curses (Egun idile in Yoruba): [1Kgs 21:29 (on the family of King Ahab)].
(d) The most delicate and dangerous are the curses from an anointed man or woman of God. They are God’s inheritance and He has invested so much in them: [2Kgs 5:27 (Gehazzi); 1Sam. 3:14; Jer.20: 3]

Blessing, from the English definition:
1. The act of good wishes. 2. An expression of good wishes. 3. A special favor granted by God. 4. Anything contributing to happiness.

Deuteronomy 28
                   Blessings for Obedience
1 If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. 2 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God:3 You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
4 The fruit of your womb will be blessed, and the crops of your land and the young of your livestock—the calves of your herds and the lambs of your flocks.
5 Your basket and your kneading trough will be blessed.
6 You will be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.
7 The LORD will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.

God spoke to my heart this morning and i believe through these words He will be speaking to you. Be a blessing, after all, we are blessed to be a blessing.

In His love,


Monday, July 18, 2011

Receive His love & embrace

Luke 15:20 (NKJV): And he (the lost son) arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.

These are also the 5 things God does to you in all His love & grace. No matter how you have ‘blown it’ in your life, or what your sins or mistakes may be, just as in this parable (Luke 15:11-24), God wants to embrace you and pour (lavish) His love on you! (Romans 5:5)

When the lost son ‘came to himself’ (Luke 15:17), hungry, broke and with nowhere else to go, he decided to come back to his father and be his hired servant. But when the father saw him from a distance, he was so filled with compassion that he ran towards the lost son. Now, that was never supposed to be in their family tradition! The son should be the one running towards the father, not the other way round! But all that didn’t matter to the father anymore! What mattered was “my son is back!” It also didn’t matter how filthy, dirty, or unkempt the son was at that time, he went on to embrace and kiss him. That’s how God (in all His love and grace) is to you too!

Not only that, the father then made sure the best robe is put on the son, a ring on his hand, and sandals on his feet (Luke 15:22). The robe means ‘God’s righteousness’ (Isaiah 61:10), the ring means ‘God’s authority’ (Genesis 41:42), and the sandal means ‘being God’s beloved son’ (Exodus 12:11). In His loving embrace, He wants you to know you have all these too, and that’s exactly how lavish God’s love and grace is for you. Know that He doesn’t look at your sins anymore when you look to Him. All your sins have already been punished on Jesus’ body when He died for you on the cross. In fact, there’s no more condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Will you allow Him to embrace you again? There’s really no one too filthy for Him to embrace. In fact, He specializes in the sinners, the lepers, ‘the lost, the last, and the least’ during His ministry on earth.

I’m not saying “you try to embrace Him”, but I’m saying “allow Him to embrace you”. There’s a big difference here, and it’s when you receive His love and embrace, your life will change!

His love for you is also always sure. Human, organizations, or even your best of friends may fail you, but His love for you never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). Look unto Jesus & all that He’s done for you on the cross. In Him, you are complete (Colossians 2:10), and in Him is all your sufficiency (2 Corinthians 12:9). His love for you is perfect, and in fact, 1 John 4:18 says, ‘His perfect love (for you) casts out (any) fear’.

Indeed, there’s no fear in His love & embrace!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Receive your 'bow & arrow' for the battle ahead!

2 Corinthians 2:14: Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

We are entering a new season, a season of triumph, and a season of victory in the spiritual realm!

People of God, it's high time to receive your 'bows & arrows' as the Lord leads you on in battle. This is definitely the end of the end-times. He is currently releasing a timely and divine strategy for you as you move on triumphantly in Christ!

It's God who always leads us in triumph. The word ‘leads’ here speaks of God leading us in triumph. He is our Leader. The word ‘triumph’ comes from the word ‘thriambeuo’ in Greek which means ‘to make an acclamatory procession, to conquer, to give victory, to triumph over, with songs or noise of celebrating, with shouts of triumph.’ In New International Version, it says ‘God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ.’

This procession comes with celebration, a celebration of triumph, parading the victory won, to loud cheers, applause, and shouts of triumph (Psalm 47:1, Exodus 15:1, Exodus 15:21, Psalm 92:4). And we triumph not by our own self-effort, but we triumph in Christ, the anointed, all-powerful One.

Be ready triumphant people, for we are entering such season now. The battle is on, but the victory is ours. The ‘ark of the covenant’ is in procession again, just as in King David’s time (1 Chronicles 15:14-16) when the ark was brought into Jerusalem. It’s also likened to the time Jesus entered Jerusalem in a triumphal entry (Matthew 21:1-9), and people were shouting ‘Hosanna’ (means ‘help, save, rescue us!’). It’s an exclamation of adoration to the Messiah, the anointed One. This triumphal entry was a major 'milestone' as Jesus the Messiah was publicly recognized. Before that, Jesus did not have public recognition as the Messiah, and ministered outside Jerusalem. So the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem then was a public parade (procession) of the entrance of the King of Glory. Jesus is the King of Glory. The ‘ark of the covenant’ always symbolizes the glory of God, the very presence of God. The ark is also a symbol of God’s promise, a reminder of God’s leadership in a battle.

When we live in triumph in Christ, we’ll diffuse or spread the glory of God. However, this is not done through toiling, striving, or self-effort. It’s done in the spirit. It’s done from our resting in the Lord. It’s done by the leading of the Lord. The fragrance or sweet aroma of the knowledge of the glory of God shall permeate the spiritual realm, wherever we go. And whatever happens in the spiritual realm shall be reflected in the natural realm. Imagine the sweet fragrance of flowers and fruits filling the air. Likewise, the knowledge of the glory of God shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). This is truly an end-time prophecy. And this knowledge of the glory of God is not just ‘head knowledge’. The word ‘knowledge’ here in Greek is ‘gnosis’. It means ‘knowing, understanding, be sure.’ It is ‘yada’ in Hebrew. It means ‘be sure, knowing, endued with.’ It is knowing by experience.

This fragrance of the glory of God is spread ‘through us.’ We are ‘the vessels, the channels, the carriers’ of the glory of God everywhere we go. We are the carriers of spiritual light that emanates in the darkness. When light comes, darkness flees. So, every time we pray in the spirit, or preach the Word, we are changing the spiritual realm with the ‘light’. The ‘light’ emanates to change the atmosphere around us. This ‘light’ is the glory of God(Revelation 21:23). Likewise, every time we praise and worship, the ‘light’ shines and triumph over the darkness. Every time we love (‘agape’) and serve, every time we edify someone with the Word of God, every time we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, this ‘light’ emanates and changes the spiritual atmosphere around us. This is how the knowledge of the glory of the Lord fills the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).

So, be ready people of God, for you’ll be used by God as suchvessels in this season, in a greater intensity than you’ve ever known before, whatever the call of God is in your life. The time is now. The glory of God is here, and reaping time is now (John 4:38). Hallelujah!

In His love,


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


“May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.”
Psalm 33:22 (NIV)
I failed my friend. Although I’d love to tell you how I stuck by her as an encouraging presence and practical helper through her darkest days, it simply wouldn’t be true.
I didn’t understand her choices. I couldn’t endorse her actions. I struggled with the consequences of what she wanted to do, and so I left. I didn’t actually go anywhere physically, but I withdrew my availability and my openness. I tucked my heart into a safe, little box and walked away from her situation.
That was years ago, but I still look back on that time with regret and sorrow. Although I’ve made attempts since to reach out and reconcile, my friend is understandably cautious as she guards her still-hurting heart. I hope one day that our friendship will be fully restored, but until then I’ve tried to use the consequences of my choice to learn some things.  I desperately want to learn to stay.
Stay through conflict.
Stay through struggles.
Stay through suffering.
Stay through discomfort.
Stay through misunderstanding.
Mary Magdalene is a beautiful example of a constant heart. Because of her great love for Jesus, she stayed.
She stayed after He set her free.
She stayed as He traveled.
She stayed through His torture.
She stayed at the cross.
She stayed at His burial.
She stayed to pass on the news of His resurrection.
Mary Magdalene is a picture of steadfast faithfulness. But sometimes I have trouble staying.
When a church doesn’t quite fit my desires, I long for a “happier” place. When a friend is going through a bad time because of choices I can’t endorse, I tend to withdraw. When God does things I can’t understand, I yearn to flee to a more comfortable setting. It seems easier and less painful.
I want to leave sometimes, but I long to stay. I long to learn an abiding love for God, my family and my friends that extends a grace beyond my own strength —a strength from One who never leaves. The One who is teaching me to stay.
Dear Lord, sometimes it’s not easy to stay when conflict, disagreements or differences get in the way. Would You give me the power to love people unconditionally and the wisdom to know how to love them well?  In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Friday, May 20, 2011

How to Prevent a Divorce

"'For I hate divorce,' says the Lord." Malachi 2:16
Everybody likes to be thought of as number one. America is a nation that prides itself on being number one in many categories, but we are number one in a category that is not good--we’re number one in divorce. One out of every two marriages ends in divorce.

When Jesus was asked about divorce, He made it clear that it was never what God had in mind. Then, He quickly began to talk about marriage and the commitment that’s involved. Obviously, a marriage that lasts a lifetime is what God desires. So, let me suggest 12 words for you and your spouse to live by: words that help with divorce prevention:

• “I love you.”
• “I admire you.”
• “I was wrong.”
• “Please forgive me.”

Expressing love and admiration, admitting when we are wrong and asking forgiveness are the ingredients for divorce prevention. Wouldn’t it be great if, one day, America became number one in marriages that last?
In His love, 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Receiving your breakthrough

Acts 16:26: Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed.

It's breakthrough time! I thank God for the 'captives' are being set free and 'bondages' are being broken in many lives. There's an anointing here to break every bondage and chain that may have hindered you in the past. Receive it now. It's time to be set free, and whatever the devil meant harm for you in the past, God is turning it around for good to you now!

What is a breakthrough? It's an act of breaking through the enemies' defenses. It's a major 'milestone' in your journey towards your God-given destiny. It's also when one is being set free from captivity or bondage. I see the chains of debts being broken in you. I see a breakthrough in your career or business. I see a breakthrough in family relationships. I see new doors being opened in your ministry. Some of you have been hindered by ill-health in the past, and you are now entering a new season of breakthrough in your health. It's time to receive, just as whenPaul and Silas received their breakthrough when they were imprisoned (Acts 16:26).

Friends, if God has spoken to you about a goal or a destiny, and somewhere along the way, you have been 'derailed' by the devil, or the destiny seems like it's going to be 'aborted', then be encouraged, for I heard these words for you, that the 'good works' that God has begun in your life, He shall bring it to full completion (Philippians 1:6), and it shall not be aborted.

Paul and Silas were on their way to a destination too. It was a prayer meeting in Lydia's house (Acts 16:15-16). However, their journey was 'derailed' when they were beaten and thrown into prison. It all started when Paul had to cast out an annoying evil spirit from a slave girl who did fortune-telling for her masters (Acts 16:17-18). The masters got angry for the loss of their income, and reported them falsely to the authorities. So, instead of reaching their destination, they were thrown into prison for allegedly causing trouble in the city. In the prison however, Paul and Silas stood firm in the Lord, even in the midnight hour (Acts 16:25). They did not blame. They did not find faults. They did not complain. Instead, they continued to pray, and they continued to praise and worship. Suddenly, the breakthrough came in the form of an earthquake. This earthquake totally shook the prison to the very core, and the prison doors were opened, the shackles were broken, and the chains were loosed. They were indeed set free. Beloved, there's such anointing being released on you right now. What you can do now is to receive it.

And you know what? Things got even better for Paul and Silas after that. They had the prison-keeper and his family saved and baptized (Acts 16:27-33). Eventually, they reached their destination, the prayer meeting (Acts 16:40), plus some great testimonies to share too!
In His love,

Sunday, May 8, 2011


"But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins." Matthew 6:15
Here is a horrific statistic: 70% of second marriages fail. Why is this? Often it is because the new marriage began while unresolved issues still lingered from the divorce. It's important to take the time to resolve these issues and not carry this baggage into a new relationship.

How can you resolve these issues? First, seek forgiveness from the Lord, as well as from your ex - even if you were the one who was sinned against. Realize that we all fall short in every relationship and we need forgiveness for the many mistakes that we did commit. Seek forgiveness from your children, as well; recognizing the often devastating effect this has had on their lives and their future. And then the toughest and most important step - give forgiveness to your ex, cleansing your heart of the resentments, pain, and ill feelings that may still remain.

Before entering into a new marriage, be sure that you have healed from the loss of your previous marriage. If this has not occurred, then you are certainly not ready for remarriage. If you are feeling doubts, God may be telling you to slow down or even leading you to break off the new relationship. But most of all, seek God's will and be willing to follow His leading.
In His love,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Agape Love

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." - 2 Thessalonians 3:5

You have probably heard the term "agape love," but may not be really clear on what it means. What is agape love? How is it any different from the dozens of other ways we use the word love? 

First, let's understand what it is not. It is not romantic love, because people of all faiths (and no faiths) experience romantic love. It is not brotherly love, where you have a natural chemistry with another person. Terrorists and members of the mafia experience brotherly love. There's certainly nothing uniquely Christian about that!

Agape love is unconditional love. It is a choice we make to love another person whether they love us back or not. It means that you choose to love someone even if he is your enemy! Agape love is not based on emotion at all. In fact, it may be contrary to our every emotion. It is an act of the will.

Agape love presents a real challenge for us Christians. It is tough to live out because it's hard to love someone who doesn't respond to you in the way you would desire. And all of us are going to have certain individuals—even within the body of Christ—that we have to struggle to love. And yet, God's word is very clear: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God. Now, you couldn't find a more clear command about what we're called to do as followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus "agape loves" us and commands us to "agape love" others.

In His love,

Please visit: www.changinglivesaroungyou.co.za 
Email: leslene@changinglivesaroundyou.co.za

Thursday, April 14, 2011

God's Divorce Recovery Program

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." Mark 11:25

Perhaps today you are suffering from the consequences of divorce. Maybe your spouse deserted you or ran off with another person and you are feeling rejected, hurt, even humiliated. Or you may be still struggling twenty or thirty years later with the breakup of your parents and have a festering resentment against them. Or maybe you've been separated from your grandchildren because of divorce - something completely out of your control - and your heart is full of bitterness.

If you are suffering from the consequences of divorce, know this. Your pain will not go away until you release your resentment and forgive those who have wronged you. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, know that this forgiveness is not "just another option." It is not something God simply encourages. Jesus Christ commands forgiveness. I know this is hard; in fact, some pain is just too deep to be forgiven on our own. Only by the power of Christ can we forgive in certain cases. So, claim that power. Ask God to help you do what you can't do alone. Let God bring cleansing and healing to your life, and then you can begin to truly live again.
In His love