If there's one evening in the week I look forward to then it's a Tuesday. This is the evening a few people, once strangers, now divinely connected, get together and share life, thoughts, hopes, dreams, visions, fears and definitely encourages one another.
Last night was just one of those nights you could see the realness of people. You see their fears and you could definitely see the longing for God. I have a deeper longing for God and connecting on a Tuesday really makes life so worth living. You get to be reminded that you not in this alone. You are not the only one feeling weak. You not the only one having fears, and you definitely not the only one who questions God in a time of desperation.
We had our connect last night and it was amazing. We laughed so hard, which then turned into serious talk and earnest praying. I sit here today, thinking about last night and how the word yet again brought change in my life and to us as a unit.
The Spirit of God encouraged us in such an amazing way by blessing us with Micah 7:7; "But me, I'm not giving up. I'm sticking around to see what God will do. I'm waiting for God to make things right. I'm counting on God to listen to me."
The scripture that had us jumping for joy. It had us on the words "Wait...Hope...Faith...Love & Chosen"
It had us on changing the lives in our connect group and taking it to a broken and waiting world. A world out there searching for something, not knowing that God has the answer.
I will Wait on God therefore, I am a prisoner of Hope, with an ever increasing Faith, Loved by God because he has Chosen me to be the change I want to see.
In His Love