Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Had the Power to Choose – I Still Do

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice.” ~Wayne Dyer

I still see that lonely child sitting on the pavement waiting for mom to come from work. Knowing I have a brother and sister near by, still didn’t take the loneliness away.  I had a father who worked away (seaman), and I think that made it worse. I had to make some decisions in my young life to make me see things differently.
What is a daughter to do when you just want your father to love you? Every time my dad came from sea I was so excited because I knew we would have some fish to eat. I knew there would be money in the house. My mom would have money in her purse and she can buy some nice things.
We moved from house to house. Constantly on the move and the thought of ever settling down was endless. I wanted my own room because I had ideas of what my room should look like, but it never happened.
Years later, having a family of my own I thank God for what I’ve gone through. It was not easy at all because I had issues connecting with people.  I had thoughts of every person coming into my life would leave immediately and I would be this lonely person again. Not realising that for everything there is a purpose. You know, if you don’t know Jesus Christ you will never have peace. You will never be filled with that everlasting joy.
So many people have left me by the way side and I do admit it was because of the bad attitude I had. It was because of the lies I kept telling. It was because of all the hurt I’ve caused people. I don’t know if you know this, but when you hurt you will keep on hurting other people. When you no longer hurt, you can serve and love those who are hurting freely.
We all have a choice today. We don’t have to go through life hurting and pitying ourselves. I met Jesus Christ and He has taught me how to let go of the hurt. He has taught me how to love and not to expect anything in return.
A few years back, I met a young woman. What came out of her mouth was so powerful and so true. I would call her an extra ordinary Life Coach. She might not know this but whatever came out of her mouth, was so firm(sometimes hurtful but true). I started writing it down. It was a powerful truth. That was another choice I made. I said to myself, “If it works for her, surely it has to work for me”.  I met a guy and he was speaking the very same things and I knew this is God.
I started writing in a journal every day to get through life and understand myself better. One night I was feeling down, but I wanted to steer my thoughts in a positive direction. I started making a list of things I would learn.
They included things like not dwelling on the negative, loving myself, being confident, and being less critical of myself. In the middle of the list I wrote the words:

“I can choose what affects me.”
By the time I finished the list those words lingered. I repeated them over and over out loud. Every time I said them I felt more powerful. I felt more control over my life.
I can choose what affects me.
I can choose to not be damaged.
I can choose to not be afraid.
I can choose to look at mistakes as learning experiences.
I can choose to be confident.
I can choose to be happy.
I can choose to feel loved.
I can choose.
Every time I said a phrase I felt a chill in my body. Tears started flowing, but I wasn’t really crying. It felt like they were escaping; like I was letting go of this deep sadness I’ve carried for so long.

It was an awakening: a healing. It was one of the most significant and amazing experiences in my life.

In His Love

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