Tuesday, July 24, 2012

They Come...They Go

Have you ever noticed how people come and go in your life? I sure notice these things. It is so profound to me. The people that leaves might be the ones that does not accept who you are because of your renewed mind, it might be ones that you don't accept and they decided to leave. Either way...I see so many of them coming back into my life. I am asking God the question, "why is this so?" God laid out so many scenarios for me and I totally understand why these things happen.

One example: I had a friend and we clicked instantly, but not knowing we are both so head strong when it comes to making decisions. It caused us to grow apart and we ended up blaming one another. The friendship ended... it had an up side though, God spoke not just to me I believe but to both of us. The amazing things is, we are friends again, well not the way we used to be but more like minded with the things of God. We NOW know how to communicate and the awesome thing is... WE CAN FINALLY ENCOUARGE ONE ANOTHER when a situation arise. I believe that is what friensdhip should be all about and not being in my face all the time or me being in your face.

"Seldom set your foot in your neighbor's house, too much of you and he will hate you", is what Proverbs 25:17 says.
The word of God makes it so clear when it comes to people, but yet we make the same mistakes over and over. There are such a thing as boundaries you know? Digging into the word of God, we will definately know when and how to put up boundaries when it comes to friendships. Ask me, I know exactly what I'm talking about.

A lesson well learned and to remember:

Don't try to be in your friend's face or allow them to be in yours too much, especially if it's not fruitful. It can harm the relationship. I can boldly say, "I have friends which I love dearly, but boundaries are a must."

Proverbs 27:17 says "As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another." #let us be cool/awesome/loving/listening/mindful/prayeful friends and put our trust in the Lord to help us in our relationships.

In His love

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