It is all about changing lives around you on a daily basis. Whether we help someone by giving them a smile, a hug or helping other groups...this is what C.L.A.Y is all about. Our lives have been changed when we allowed Jesus Christ into our hearts...we are here because we are called to go out there and do what God's word says..(The Great Commision.. Matthew 28:16-20)
C.L.A.Y had an awesome experience helping Kit-A-Kid raising funds. I believe this will not be the last. Janine Leith of J-9 Events(awesome woman and friend of God asked us to help and we now know that Saturday 7th & 14th July 2012 was predestined by God. It was to show us what is to come and that we should be ready to do His will. Helping Chad Abrahams and his team was an awesome experience. Humbling... and seeing how many people have a need out there. We believe counting the lost time spent by helping others no matter how low the job may seem is no issue for C.LA.Y at all. In actual fact, we cannot count the cost of humility. Ephesians 5:16 says: "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
The Lord, God has given C.L.A.Y the tongue of the learned that we should speak a word in season to those who are weary. He awakens us morning by morning with a listening ear.(Isaiah 50:8)
God is the Alpha & the Omega...The Beginning & the End of C.L.A.Y.
C.L.A.Y had an awesome experience helping Kit-A-Kid raising funds. I believe this will not be the last. Janine Leith of J-9 Events(awesome woman and friend of God asked us to help and we now know that Saturday 7th & 14th July 2012 was predestined by God. It was to show us what is to come and that we should be ready to do His will. Helping Chad Abrahams and his team was an awesome experience. Humbling... and seeing how many people have a need out there. We believe counting the lost time spent by helping others no matter how low the job may seem is no issue for C.LA.Y at all. In actual fact, we cannot count the cost of humility. Ephesians 5:16 says: "Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."
The Lord, God has given C.L.A.Y the tongue of the learned that we should speak a word in season to those who are weary. He awakens us morning by morning with a listening ear.(Isaiah 50:8)
God is the Alpha & the Omega...The Beginning & the End of C.L.A.Y.
Photo's of the awesome time we had