Saturday, July 17, 2010

C.L.A.Y - Changing Lives Around You (YOUNG ADULTS LOVING CHRIST) Recycle

when we were kids , I'd come home from school and find news paper placed , like a trail ,across the floor. I knew that the floor was cleaned and we'd walk on the paper not to walk fresh mud onto the floor... especially on rainy days like this.

when we cooked and peeled vegetables we put again yes... news paper on the table, the peels and skins were removed and placed onto the paper, so when you finished it was neatly rolled into the paper and placed into the bin.

in this way the work surface was cleaned without much fuss and of course this was a way to use old news paper.

Although I did not always understand the habits,. thinking about it today it worked.. things got done and very little was thrown away. As we know it today recycling !!!

Just so nothing God created is just thrown away purely for there is no use for it.

so easily we "write " people off.

so easily we turn our back on friends and neighbors.. for we have no more "use" for them,

so easily the drunkard on the corner is pushed aside... useless man,

or a marriage is ended for it no longer works.

I am reminded that Jesus saw my old life and He saw what I could be, what I could become .

He called my name and even though He called on many many different occasions, different times..

He never threw His hand in despair and thought I give up this is no use.

read Ephesians 4 17-29

22You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

My Prayer

Lord I thank You that you knew me before I was conceived in my mothers womb.
Lord I thank You that every prayer that was uttered, every positive thought out weighed the bad and you remembered my name .
Every dream, every vision, every desire of my heart You place in my heart will not be discarded and blown to the wind.
Thank you Lord for the plans you have for me.Thank you Lord you know my limitations and my strength .
Lord for every situation I think will never change, I hand to you , remould it , renew it in Jesus Name
for every relationship that that does not work ... renew it
for every son and daughter that has turned to alcohol and drugs and we feel like giving up , take it Lord and turn it around..
for every child that cannot learn , take that mind .. renew it
In Jesus name take this broken life ... renew it

You are the Potter and I am the clay... You designed me, made me for a purpose.

I am the vessel Lord use me.
thank You Lord.

I love you with the love of the Lord


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