Monday, July 18, 2011

Receive His love & embrace

Luke 15:20 (NKJV): And he (the lost son) arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him.

These are also the 5 things God does to you in all His love & grace. No matter how you have ‘blown it’ in your life, or what your sins or mistakes may be, just as in this parable (Luke 15:11-24), God wants to embrace you and pour (lavish) His love on you! (Romans 5:5)

When the lost son ‘came to himself’ (Luke 15:17), hungry, broke and with nowhere else to go, he decided to come back to his father and be his hired servant. But when the father saw him from a distance, he was so filled with compassion that he ran towards the lost son. Now, that was never supposed to be in their family tradition! The son should be the one running towards the father, not the other way round! But all that didn’t matter to the father anymore! What mattered was “my son is back!” It also didn’t matter how filthy, dirty, or unkempt the son was at that time, he went on to embrace and kiss him. That’s how God (in all His love and grace) is to you too!

Not only that, the father then made sure the best robe is put on the son, a ring on his hand, and sandals on his feet (Luke 15:22). The robe means ‘God’s righteousness’ (Isaiah 61:10), the ring means ‘God’s authority’ (Genesis 41:42), and the sandal means ‘being God’s beloved son’ (Exodus 12:11). In His loving embrace, He wants you to know you have all these too, and that’s exactly how lavish God’s love and grace is for you. Know that He doesn’t look at your sins anymore when you look to Him. All your sins have already been punished on Jesus’ body when He died for you on the cross. In fact, there’s no more condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). Will you allow Him to embrace you again? There’s really no one too filthy for Him to embrace. In fact, He specializes in the sinners, the lepers, ‘the lost, the last, and the least’ during His ministry on earth.

I’m not saying “you try to embrace Him”, but I’m saying “allow Him to embrace you”. There’s a big difference here, and it’s when you receive His love and embrace, your life will change!

His love for you is also always sure. Human, organizations, or even your best of friends may fail you, but His love for you never fails (1 Corinthians 13:8). Look unto Jesus & all that He’s done for you on the cross. In Him, you are complete (Colossians 2:10), and in Him is all your sufficiency (2 Corinthians 12:9). His love for you is perfect, and in fact, 1 John 4:18 says, ‘His perfect love (for you) casts out (any) fear’.

Indeed, there’s no fear in His love & embrace!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Receive your 'bow & arrow' for the battle ahead!

2 Corinthians 2:14: Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.

We are entering a new season, a season of triumph, and a season of victory in the spiritual realm!

People of God, it's high time to receive your 'bows & arrows' as the Lord leads you on in battle. This is definitely the end of the end-times. He is currently releasing a timely and divine strategy for you as you move on triumphantly in Christ!

It's God who always leads us in triumph. The word ‘leads’ here speaks of God leading us in triumph. He is our Leader. The word ‘triumph’ comes from the word ‘thriambeuo’ in Greek which means ‘to make an acclamatory procession, to conquer, to give victory, to triumph over, with songs or noise of celebrating, with shouts of triumph.’ In New International Version, it says ‘God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ.’

This procession comes with celebration, a celebration of triumph, parading the victory won, to loud cheers, applause, and shouts of triumph (Psalm 47:1, Exodus 15:1, Exodus 15:21, Psalm 92:4). And we triumph not by our own self-effort, but we triumph in Christ, the anointed, all-powerful One.

Be ready triumphant people, for we are entering such season now. The battle is on, but the victory is ours. The ‘ark of the covenant’ is in procession again, just as in King David’s time (1 Chronicles 15:14-16) when the ark was brought into Jerusalem. It’s also likened to the time Jesus entered Jerusalem in a triumphal entry (Matthew 21:1-9), and people were shouting ‘Hosanna’ (means ‘help, save, rescue us!’). It’s an exclamation of adoration to the Messiah, the anointed One. This triumphal entry was a major 'milestone' as Jesus the Messiah was publicly recognized. Before that, Jesus did not have public recognition as the Messiah, and ministered outside Jerusalem. So the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem then was a public parade (procession) of the entrance of the King of Glory. Jesus is the King of Glory. The ‘ark of the covenant’ always symbolizes the glory of God, the very presence of God. The ark is also a symbol of God’s promise, a reminder of God’s leadership in a battle.

When we live in triumph in Christ, we’ll diffuse or spread the glory of God. However, this is not done through toiling, striving, or self-effort. It’s done in the spirit. It’s done from our resting in the Lord. It’s done by the leading of the Lord. The fragrance or sweet aroma of the knowledge of the glory of God shall permeate the spiritual realm, wherever we go. And whatever happens in the spiritual realm shall be reflected in the natural realm. Imagine the sweet fragrance of flowers and fruits filling the air. Likewise, the knowledge of the glory of God shall fill the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14). This is truly an end-time prophecy. And this knowledge of the glory of God is not just ‘head knowledge’. The word ‘knowledge’ here in Greek is ‘gnosis’. It means ‘knowing, understanding, be sure.’ It is ‘yada’ in Hebrew. It means ‘be sure, knowing, endued with.’ It is knowing by experience.

This fragrance of the glory of God is spread ‘through us.’ We are ‘the vessels, the channels, the carriers’ of the glory of God everywhere we go. We are the carriers of spiritual light that emanates in the darkness. When light comes, darkness flees. So, every time we pray in the spirit, or preach the Word, we are changing the spiritual realm with the ‘light’. The ‘light’ emanates to change the atmosphere around us. This ‘light’ is the glory of God(Revelation 21:23). Likewise, every time we praise and worship, the ‘light’ shines and triumph over the darkness. Every time we love (‘agape’) and serve, every time we edify someone with the Word of God, every time we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, this ‘light’ emanates and changes the spiritual atmosphere around us. This is how the knowledge of the glory of the Lord fills the earth as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).

So, be ready people of God, for you’ll be used by God as suchvessels in this season, in a greater intensity than you’ve ever known before, whatever the call of God is in your life. The time is now. The glory of God is here, and reaping time is now (John 4:38). Hallelujah!

In His love,
