Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Agape Love

"May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance." - 2 Thessalonians 3:5

You have probably heard the term "agape love," but may not be really clear on what it means. What is agape love? How is it any different from the dozens of other ways we use the word love? 

First, let's understand what it is not. It is not romantic love, because people of all faiths (and no faiths) experience romantic love. It is not brotherly love, where you have a natural chemistry with another person. Terrorists and members of the mafia experience brotherly love. There's certainly nothing uniquely Christian about that!

Agape love is unconditional love. It is a choice we make to love another person whether they love us back or not. It means that you choose to love someone even if he is your enemy! Agape love is not based on emotion at all. In fact, it may be contrary to our every emotion. It is an act of the will.

Agape love presents a real challenge for us Christians. It is tough to live out because it's hard to love someone who doesn't respond to you in the way you would desire. And all of us are going to have certain individuals—even within the body of Christ—that we have to struggle to love. And yet, God's word is very clear: Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God. Now, you couldn't find a more clear command about what we're called to do as followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus "agape loves" us and commands us to "agape love" others.

In His love,

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

God's Divorce Recovery Program

And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins." Mark 11:25

Perhaps today you are suffering from the consequences of divorce. Maybe your spouse deserted you or ran off with another person and you are feeling rejected, hurt, even humiliated. Or you may be still struggling twenty or thirty years later with the breakup of your parents and have a festering resentment against them. Or maybe you've been separated from your grandchildren because of divorce - something completely out of your control - and your heart is full of bitterness.

If you are suffering from the consequences of divorce, know this. Your pain will not go away until you release your resentment and forgive those who have wronged you. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, know that this forgiveness is not "just another option." It is not something God simply encourages. Jesus Christ commands forgiveness. I know this is hard; in fact, some pain is just too deep to be forgiven on our own. Only by the power of Christ can we forgive in certain cases. So, claim that power. Ask God to help you do what you can't do alone. Let God bring cleansing and healing to your life, and then you can begin to truly live again.
In His love

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Christian Wife

A Christian wife is someone who has a close relationship to God. She is full of faith and always ready to give her life for the ministry. However, being a great wife doesn't end there. A wife has some duties and responsibilities to her husband. If you want your relationship to grow, you should work hand in hand. For you to fulfill your role as a great Christian wife, here are the things you must follow:
  1. Be a trustworthy wife. A man always longs for an honest wife. Someone he can totally trust in situation they are in. Being trustworthy doesn't only mean being truthful in your relationship. It also covers the essence of being supportive despite your husband's failure. Accept the fact that your man is just a human being, and that he tends to commit mistakes and makes wrong decisions in life. However, the important thing is you are always beside him. Make him realize that you still love him despite the difficult times he is experiencing. By showing your genuine love, he gains self-reliance and confidence that you are more willing to stay with him no matter how hard the situation is. Hence, his trust in you will get stronger as you build a strong marriage life.
  2. Surrender your life to God. Being a Christian wife requires a strong faith to the Almighty. Like what the Bible says, "In every strength of a man, there's a woman behind it". If you want to be a great Christian wife learn to surrender everything to God. Develop Christian characters that will mold you in being a good wife to your husband. You can ask your spouse to devote time for prayer. Encourage him to lead a Bible study in your house. It can be during weekends, when everybody is at home or during early morning where you prioritize God before starting the day. You can pray together or alone in your own room. The essential part is you pray for each other; plead for your children and commune for your relationship as husband and wife. A great wife will always push her man to what is right in God's eyes.
I made may mistakes in my marriage even during my walk with Christ and it cost me a whole lot. Why go through all the trials and just do things right NOW!!. You might be thinking that i am just taking the husband's part and yes they doe make mistakes, but us as woman tend to blow things out of proportion. Our men needs us to stick by them. If you are business minded and your husband is a bit slow when it comes to that part, don't make him feel as if he's not bringing his part. Whatever you do, remember it is for the whole family. Allow your man to give his ideas and see where it can fit in. I know there are times that you do include them but they just don't seem interested, but what do you do the day they are interested? Do you give him a bit of your mind when they were not interested when you tried to share with him? 
The Fruits of the Spirit is required here.

I have come to a point where i don't care what people say or think about me  when i speak on behalf of the men. SOMEBODY HAS TO DO IT!!!!!
I am doing this all in love. Ladies, i know our minds are always out there but it will not help if we don't included our men. 

In His love,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hope After Divorce

Very often people who face divorce feel hopeless. Sadly, many who turn to the church for help feel rejected, not welcomed. Many have told me they felt outcast and shunned, even if they were the spouse left behind. Sometimes this is a perception, but sometimes it is very real. Tragically, the Christian army is the only army in the world known to shoot its wounded."...we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers." 1 Timothy 4:10

Yes, Scripture teaches that God hates divorce, but just because He hates divorce doesn't mean He hates the divorcee. He loves the divorcee. God hates divorce for many of the same reasons the divorcee hates divorce - most of all, for the pain and suffering it causes in so many lives. There is no doubt that divorce always results from sin, but it is not the unforgivable sin.

Divorce is never what God wants, but Jesus teaches us that we have a God of second chances - a God of forgiveness. When we trust in Christ and confess our sins to the Lord, we begin to realize He loves us and forgives us completely. We can find that total and complete healing in the person of Jesus Christ.
In His Love,

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Time to Turn on the Light

"I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life." John 8:12
When you're staying in an unfamiliar place, do you ever awaken in the night and get up without turning on the light? Next thing you know, you're tripping over a suitcase or walking into a table. The last time that happened to me, it was so painful! But when you turn on the light, everything is clear.

A lot of folks are trying to make it through life in darkness--spiritual darkness--and much self-inflicted pain and unnecessary falls take place, because most people in the dark feel they're doing just fine on their own.

But Jesus tells us He's the Light of the world. He means He is the enlightenment about God, man, and life. Without Him, we're in the dark spiritually. We keep stumbling, falling, and feeling frustrated about it all. Hey, isn't it time for some of you folks to turn on the light, really see God, and understand life? If you do, everything will make sense.
In His love,