Friday, February 25, 2011

Where Does Your Shadow Fall?

"Be imitators of me, brothers and sisters, and watch carefully those who are living this way, just as you have us as an example." Philippians 3:17
A Bible School teacher told me about a time she noticed a boy sitting in the hall with a stern look on his face barking orders to the other children. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm pretending I'm the pastor," he said. "How are you playing the pastor?" He explained, "I ain't doing nothing. I'm just telling everybody else what to do!"

We sometimes never know where our shadows fall and how they influence others. Martin Luther cast a long shadow over Germany, Europe and over the world - a long shadow for good. About 500 years later, Adolph Hitler also cast a long shadow over Germany, Europe and over the world...a devastatingly evil shadow. Two lives, two men; one filled with the Spirit of the Lord, one filled with the spirit of the devil.

You will probably never influence the entire world like Luther or Hitler, but I guarantee you will have tremendous influence on some part of it. It may be as a parent, co-worker, neighbor, or friend. It may be as a coach or teacher - or even as a fifth grader being a role model for a 1st grader. You won't always be conscious of where your shadow falls, but the fact is that you touch many lives while walking this earth.

What kind of shadow do you cast? Is it for good or for bad? Is it to curse or to bless? Is it to encourage or to discourage? Only your shadow knows.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


If you are interested in prices or in placing an order, please do give me a call on:
Leslene Allicia Britz : 078 591 4842
or send email: or

For those of you who owns a daycare or who knows of people who does, please share with them. I do calendars and cards with the child's photo on as well.


Remember, these are samples. You can forward me your own Bible verse, picture or even your own poem.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Inner Beauty Vs. Outer Beauty

"Your adornment must not be merely external...but let it be the hidden person of the heart..."1 Peter 3:3-4
The world puts a lot of focus on women's beauty: makeup, jewelry, clothing, and of course, the right hairstyle. And don't forget taking care of her body! Certainly, men are drawn to beauty in a woman, and women know beauty is power.

But God's Word says something interesting to women: "Let not your adornment be merely external--but let it be the hidden person of the heart." God's Word is reminding every woman that outward beauty is temporal, but inner beauty from godly character and spirit is imperishable. Think about older ladies whose countenance becomes more beautiful with age.

God isn't saying, "Don't be concerned about making the most of your appearance." You should, for I assure you, the man in your life wants you to be. But God wants women to remember the only type of beauty that lasts. He wants you to focus, most of all, on godly beauty that gives a woman lasting splendor that grows greater with age.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Look at yourself for a change

Hi Everyone

I know it's been a while but i'm back. I had so many things i had to do and i really wanted to give it my all. The task at hand is not done yet and i believe that God has given me the patience to finish the task. 

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? Matthew 7:3

Have you ever had the thought that the sin i did is not as bad as the sin you did. Let me tell you today, WITH GOD SIN IS SIN, BIG OR SMALL from a human's perspective. That negative thoughts you have is sin.

We cannot go on like this, when we ponder on the other person's sins we are actually hurting ourselves. We cannot live with all this unforgiving spirit. It's time we grow up and be mature when any situation arises. We are not perfect, but what makes a situation perfect is when we say, "GOD WORK IN ME. MOLD ME, HELP ME NOT TO CAST THE FIRST STONE. HOW MAY MISTAKES HAVE I DONE AND YOU FORGAVE ME."

Today God is saying to you:

" I--yes, I alone--will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again." Isaiah 43:25

Are you willing to forgive, forget and move on. God was willing to do that for. STOP HURTING THOSE AROUND YOU AND MOST OF ALL YOURSELF.

In His love,
